What would those stodgy, proper, Edwardian Society Matrons think if I stepped out in public without having my head full of copper curls properly covered with an appropriate chapeau? Not knowing any personally I have no idea, but I can use my ever fertile imagination! "Why that trollop! What would her Mother think?" My Mother would probably laugh and say, "You go girl!" But I digress....
During my ever ongoing search for fabulous antique millinery feathers, I happened upon a rather large lot on ebay. To my shock and most happy surprise I won the bid! Yeah for me! Imagine my giddy delight when I discovered a HUGE Bird of Paradise plume hidden amongst the offerings!!! Be still my beating heart! Then the very next day there was a composite bird in brown and pale copper bird of paradise under the Buy it Now category....SOLD!!!!! Well, I have been playing around with the feathers and hat (who would have known that Burlington Coat Factory has really neat wide brimmed hats? My fingers are loving that store right now!!!) that came already made in deep copper. Mind you it is not even remotely close to being finished, but I think I will like it when it is!
You are such a master (mistress?) of hats! No one comes close!