To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3

Thursday, January 28, 2016

TBT: Blue 1885 Suit

For today's Throw Back Thursday dress, I have decided to do my blue 1885 dress.  I am feeling rather sad, down and "blue" so think it rather the perfect dress for the day.  Most of the time when I am feeling off/down/sad/etc. it is because I have allowed outside factors to effect my emotions.  I allow these things to dictate me and how I think about myself.  Am I a fraud/dork/fool?  Why do I do this thing called costuming?  Why do I blog about it?  Am I a good parent?  Daughter?  Wife? I seriously start to doubt myself and that drags me down even deeper into my sadness. Being tired, stressed, sick, too busy can also effect me as well.  99.8% of the time, I am a seriously happy and joyful person, but there are times when I am not.  Thankfully, there is always a tomorrow and a chance to start anew!

Me on a happy day!  Mom and I got dressed up in our blue Christmas dresses, I can't even remember how long ago it was, and headed to the Boise Capital to do a photo shoot.

The inspiration for this dress came from this fashion plate I have had in my collection for a while.  I loved the monochromatic blue color of the dress.  Happily in my stash, I had a dupioni silk that was the perfect match and JoAnn's had the perfect shade of a darker velvet to go with the silk!

The rabbit fur muff had been in my collection for quite a while.

I love the silhouette of the late bustle era!  Such a fun shelf that the bustle makes!

The buttons were lovely carved shell ones found at JoAnn's...I think....  I have since sold this dress.  Although I sold it to a very lovely friend, I sometimes wish it was still in my closet!


Blue Dupioni Silk
Blue Velvet


Bodice:  TV463 1884 French Vest Bodice
Underskirt:  TV261-R 1885 Four Gore Underskirt
Overskirt Apron:  TV382 1886 Asymmetrical Drapery Add-on
Bustling:  Me Made
Hat:  Altered Lynn McMaster's 1600-1800 Tall Hat

What things make you doubt yourself?  Do you also allow outside factors to dictate how you think about yourself?  I am 44 and I still allow these things to affect me.   Silly, I know. But, I am so much better that I was even from last year.  I have learned that good sleep, prayer, and remembering that those I love and am important to are truly the ones whose opinions matter, help my emotional well being.  Being well grounded and "plumb" or centered helps as well.  I can't wait until I am feeling happy and joyful self again!  It is a very good place to be!!

Be Blessed and full of joy my dear friends and readers!!



  1. I really resonate with your thoughts lovely lady. Even as I get more comfortable with who I am as I grow older, there are still time when I doubt that I am become as a woman is truly who I am meant to be, or even if I am doing it the right way, or even if I'm completely missing the point as a wife and mother as well as being "me"....

    But though I don't know you all that well yet, I know that certainly good sleep, prayer and remembering your true purpose in life always is a recipe for finding your peace and balance again. I hope you get there soon. ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Even though I feel for those who feel the same as me, I am comforted to know that I am not the only one! Isn't life and how we view ourselves so very interesting at times! What makes us "go there". Sometimes it can be something so small, and those are the things that puzzle me!! Thank you so much for commenting on this Bonita and for your lovely words!! Oh, and I am so much better now!!

  2. Truly my all-time favorite gown!! The colors! The fabrics! And you wearing it is absolute perfection! You have a gift. You are an artist. And you bring so much joy to others by sharing. I go through serious cases of "the doubts" and wonder why, at my age and with no one nearby to share this fun expression, do I even bother to sit at the sewing machine. Please know, dear Gina, that you bring so much joy to others and I hope those "down" times are very few and very very far between. Hugs!!!

    1. You share on your blog and on the HSM group Jeanette, and I always enjoy seeing your latest creations.

    2. Thank you so very much Jeanette, for you lovely words! Isn't it funny that we can go through these feelings when what we do brings us so much joy!!! You too have a wonderful gift and I know that you bring joy to others with your dresses and the wonderful events you plan! The down times are truly few and far between...that's why it is so hard when they hit. It is not my regular way of being!! Thank you so much again!

  3. Hi! Don't forget that sun always shines above the clouds. And suit-wise: can I say of the whole ensemble I love the hat and muff the best ;)

    1. Yes, the sun truly does shine through the clouds! I am feeling my usually sunny self again! That little muff is really a fun thing! And the hat, was so simple with just the blue and white that I am thinking about making another one!

  4. Gah! Beauty in it's simplicity. And again I would rip that hat off your head.
    A tip: don't think so much. Keep busy. And don't think. And don't blink.

    1. Hahahaha!! Val, you are so fun! It's a good thing the hat is not with my anymore!! And yes, keep busy and don't over think it!!

  5. Gorgeous! Such a beautiful gown, as all your creations are.

    I hear you on the self-doubt. It seems like the more creative people are the more they have that inner voice that taunts them. I do as well, and I waffle around a lot on decisions. The nice thing is that when you're on the right path, making the right decisions, it really does feel correct, just like when you're on the wrong path it really feels wrong. I hope that made some kind of sense, lol.

    1. Thank you so much Lauren! And I had never thought about that before..."It seems like the more creative people are the more they have that inner voice that taunts them." This gives me something to think about and a new way of dealing with those times when I do get those inner voices. And yes, it totally did make sense!! Thank you for that!

  6. That is a stunning dress, Gina! Thanks for sharing your down days as well as your happy days. I believe we all have them to varying degrees, even if we don't post about them. I think it's important to do things that bring you joy! Having those things in your life makes you a better person in all capacities.


    1. Thank you Quinn!! And you're welcome for my sharing. I think it is important for people to know that I do have those down days and that I am not all sunshine and lollipops!! I am a real person with real issues! And I agree with you....doing what brings us happiness and joy is very important!!

  7. A gorgeous dress, and the colour is just stunning on you! I know what you mean about bustle shelves; they look so absurd that you've just got to love them! The hat is fabulous as well!

    Hope that you're feeling less 'blue' now. I think that anyone who creates will always have times when they doubt what they're doing - it comes with the territory. Not that that necessarily helps when you're feeling down, but it's worth it for those times when it all comes together - of which your outfits have a great many!

    1. Thank you BT! Yes, sometimes the most ridiculous aspects of any fashion are the most fun!
      I am feeling back to my usual self thank you! You have echoed what Lauren said with creatives being down at times. I had never thought of that before, so it will most certainly help in the future! And for me it does help in the knowing that it is "normal" and that it will end! Huzzah!!!

  8. Hello--
    I feel very fortunate to have found your blog! It is so full of information and fun, and has a real feel for history in a most basic way--what people wear through the eras.
    I write because your tutorial account of how you have made royal Family Orders has helped me enormously. I have been curious about these for some years, but didn't even know what they were called. I have had the idea for some time to make and give my dear sister for her 65th birthday an honor ribbon and portrait just as you have shown. I am not a jeweler and am really ham-handed, but your instructions give me hope. Two things I have been trying to figure out is how the grosgrain ribbon is tied in the various styles you show. Also, I don't quite understand the construction that incorporates and hides the pinback and what the small vertical chain of stones at the very top attach to. Do you have any suggestions for where I can find more information? I just adore these pins, especially in the pictures of Queen Mary and Queen Alexandra in their amazing dresses. Thank you for opening this door for me! (I have a lot of trouble navigating the internet, so I don't know how to contact you more directly than this, so forgive my note being off-topic a bit!) best wishes, Kass

    1. Wow! Thank you so much Kass! You have really made my heart happy! It is comments like yours that make the blogging worth it!
      What a lovely thing to do for your sister! I am sure she will truly appreciate your gift! Ok, to attach the items to the ribbon, I either sew or super glue the items on. I use a very think monofilament thread (fishing line) for sewing various things, such as the pinback, crowns, and portrait oval. The small vertical chains that go over the bow at the tops are "CRYSTAZZI" necklace spacers that I found at Michael's. Here is a link to the first Family Orders tutorial that I made.
      There is more information on this post for doing the orders a little bit different. The two blog posts I did on the tutorials are the only information that I have on the orders as I think I am the first person to do them where they were't professionally done...I'm sorry! I also don't have a source where you can purchase the bits I used for the pieces as they were happy finds at Michael's and Hobby Lobby...I know that isn't a lot of help, but I do hope it helps a bit!
      You can email me at if you need any more assistance!

    2. Thank you for your tips and encouragement! I'll let you know how I get on. I spent one and a half hours in Michael's yesterday, and they had lots of goodies similar to those you found, so I feel I have some promising basics to start with. I'm still noodling around looking for raw materials, and have found some pretty moire grosgrain ribbon. Again, best wishes and many thanks, Kass

    3. Oh what fun to spend that long in Michael's! Just keep checking places like that every once in a while as they get new things in all the time. It's fun to have them on hand when the mood strikes to make a new order! And moire ribbon is the best! I can't wait to see your order!

  9. Just gorgeous--you nailed the silhouette on this piece just beautifully!

    1. Thank you so very much Rowenna! This silhouette is such a fun one!
