Ok, so remember how I said that I adore going thrifting because I never know what loveliness I will encounter? Well, it happened again. My sweet Mama and I were at St. Paul's de Vincent (or St. Vincent de Paul's....I can never keep it straight) and I was getting to the end of my perusing, when we happened to meander back to the linens department. There, amidst the uber heavy velvet and horrid 1970s puke yellow draperies, hung a most wonderful sight! The heavens opened up once more, the angels broke forth in rapturous song, and light illuminated a most delicate panel of white and...um....I can only describe it as pale raspberry sherbet, drapery. As in window treatment drape. Complete with drapery pleat. But who cares? It is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY the very shade, design, texture, see through-iness that I have been looking for for a looooooong time. I am so in love with the delicateness and femininity of the fashion of the Regency Era. Watching all the Jane Austin books/made movies is one of my favorite pastimes! And the eye candy that the fashions present is enough to make me drool in a most un-ladylike fashion!
Not two days after rescuing my beautiful drapery panel, I was thrifting again, this time at Deseret Industries, when I spied a neat-o pair of velvety, pale raspberry flats...tried them on, and low and behold, they fit! Sweet! I then proceeded to stand in the shoe aisle and, using my handy dandy phone, research Regency Era shoes. I was losing hope when all of a sudden, I found a pair that resembled my soon to be purchased pair of slippers! I just love it when I can find historical proof that supports something that I really, really like!!! I took my newly acquired possessions home and laid them on the drapery panel and, again, the squealing with delight ensued. This time, no one came to gaze upon me with curious expressions....no one was home. Feeling the urge to create a "want to make Regency Folder" on my computer, I started to research dresses and was pleasantly surprised to re-discover images of dresses that I have had in my "want to make someday" folder already! Huzzah and away!!! Now comes the search for a solid pale raspberry sherbet fabric for a Spencer jacket. I believe that I would like to have it be a light velvet...we shall see!
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