Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Channeling Ruth Dewitt Bukater

Last Friday my costuming group got to attend a Titanic Dinner at Sunnyridge Retirement Center as ghosts!  It was a wonderful experience as not only did we get to dress up in our Titanic best and visit with the residence, but we got to partake of the most delicious dinner as well!  OHMYGOSH was is delicious!  The cook at Sunnyridge chose several of the dishes that were served for the last dinner on the Titanic!  Oh to have not worn my corset!!  hahahahaha!!!

For the evening, I was finally able to wear my Black and Ivory Dinner Dress (seen here Titanic Dinner Dress) and some fabulous jewelry that I found on the Ebay store Seperwar.  The inspiration for my hair was of course Ruth Dewitt Bukater.  I loved her hair through the whole movie!  I curled the front sections of my hair and then ratted the heck out of it.  My natural  wave took up the bulk in the back.  Then I added my hair piece to the back for that 1912 pouf!  The Bird of Paradise hair piece was inspired by Molly Brown's hair piece that she wore to dinner.  It is faaaabulous!!!  And as happiness would have it, I had a star brooch to anchor the feathers!

Below are images of my hair...there are a lot and I apologize for that, but I was seriously happy with how it turned out!  I am not one who can "do" hair dos well, so when the hair looks good, I need to capture it so that I can say on a bad hair day, "Yes!  But did you see my hair for the Titanic Event???  It totally rocked!!!"  

For some reason when I look at this last "hair" picture, it reminds me of Empress Alexandra of Russia....she always looked so melancholy and my expression in this picture looks very much the same! 

Ruth Dewitt Bukater's wonderful coiffure for the last dinner on the Titanic....I love how puffy and curly her hair was!!  Fabulous job hair people!!!

Molly Brown and her fabulous Bird of Paradise feathers for the last dinner on the Titanic....delightful!

The We Wear History ghosts!  I do believe we make quite the wonderful looking group!  My beautiful friend Tammy, my handsome son Colton, Greg my fabulous husband, my handsome son Cody the birthday boy...(Yes, folks, he spent his Birthday evening at a Titanic Event!) and my beautiful Mama Lana!

Aubrielle Holly and Gina White as Rose Dewitt Bukater and her domineering mother Ruth Dewitt Bukater.  

My most fabulous husband and myself!  I love that he dresses up and attends events with me!

My fabulous friend Tammy, my incredible Mama and me making sure we survive the sinking!

I cannot wait for the next Titanic event which I believe will be in May!  So, because I have worn my black and ivory dress, I need to make another dinner gown right?  I might have to make Ruth's dinner is so fabulous!!




  1. So fabulous! Everyone looks great, and I love your gown!

    1. Hello Megan!

      Thank you so much for you compliment! Everyone did look super great!



  2. Great hair and a lovely dress. It is fabulous that your family gets to enjoy events with you!


    1. Thank you so much Quinn! I too think it is fabulous that my family enjoys dressing up with me! I have even had my boys say they need new vests and coats...too fun!!



  3. So many events you guys have out there! :) I dare say your hair looks even better than Ruth's herself! Not to mention your lovely gown and hairpiece... But it's the last photo that made my day, hahaha!

    1. Hi Eleonora!

      We have had quite a few events in the past couple of weeks...the next one isn't until the end of this month...1863 mourning!!! Thank you for your wonderful compliment! I just love all of Ruth's dresses, hats and her hair styles!! Swoon!!! The last photo causes me to smile as you know we ladies totally made it!!! hahahahaha!!



    2. Wow, can't wait for your mourning dress! I would love to make one in January, it's a good time for it cause it's the anniversary of our January Uprising, when all the ladies were wearing black to sympathize with the soldiers! And it's 1863 as well! ;)

    3. Oh wow! I will have to research your January Uprising! The mourning dress is 98% complete....just need to tack on the lace collar...oh wait...need to make the bonnet too...ugh...How interesting that your January Uprising is in 1863 as well! Well, I shall be checking our your blog to see if you make a mourning 1863!!



  4. WOW nice job! I just found this blog and I think it's totally great! Thanks for the compliments on my dresses and hair! ;) Just kidding! I love your dresses!

    1. Hello Ruth!

      Thank you so much for your compliment on my blog! I try to make it funny and fun to read! Oh and I must say dear Ruth, that you have exquisite taste in your clothing! Too bad your Rose didn't marry that Cal! You could have lived your life out if style....



  5. OMGosh, do you know how fabulous you look? Wonderful job with your hair

    1. Why thank you Val! This evening was one of the rare moments in my costuming history where I felt I did look rather fetching! And when that occurs....I need photographic proof that it did happen! hahahahaha!!!!



  6. I think I went to see Titanic in the theater about three times! Love that movie so much, but mostly the first half for it's costumes. Great idea for a photo - the last one with the life vests.

    Emily's Vintage Visions

    1. Hello esEmily!

      I know what you mean about the movie!! I adore the costumes!! And the 1912-ness of it! I like Rose's outfits but truly prefer her mother's dresses...


