Thursday, October 17, 2013

1863 Second Mourning Bonnet Inspiration....

Next Friday evening is Frightened Felons at the Old Idaho State Pennitentuary.  I am so excited to attend again as I love our Old Penn. Two years ago, our group attended in mourning and that sort of set our "theme" of attending in mourning costume.  You see "We are here to see that that malcontent who shot our Great Uncle Jeremiah is hung from the neck until he is dead!!!!"  When we went two years ago, I wore my 1886 bustle.  This year, it will be 1863!  This week I have been working on my bonnet.  I had wanted to use my fabulous black crepe that my awesome friend Kat sent me.  But I think I am going to be using that for a 1912 mourning ensemble.  So, I had to combine the wonderful images of Fanny Thornton's beautiful bonnet from North and South and a couple of extand bonnets.

Fanny's bonnet has a most wonderful white shirred silk inside the brim.  I can't tell if it is gauze or solid...I have chosen a solid for mine.

Another image of Fanny and her marvelous bonnet.

Ok, so the back crown....yes....this I love and have re-created this affect on mine.  I also very much like the use of ostrich plumes on this bonnet.

I found this lovely bonnet on Pinterest...alas, the pinnter did not leave a trail to the original site so I cannot site the reference!  If anyone knows where it came from, I would love to know!!!  I really am so in love with the caning on this lovely piece.  One day I will make a drawn bonnet, but not  this time....

Here is another lovely piece.  A black drawn bonnet from etsy.  While I am not making my bonnet a drawn one, I really like the effect that the drawing gives the bonnet. is one from the MET that is shirred.  So very beautiful!!!  

So....Mine will be having elements from a couple of different bonnets....Fanny's lovely white silk on the inside of the bonnet brim, the round medallion look on the back of her bonnet, and shirring on the outside of the bonnet like the extant bonnets!  Sadly, I was in too big of a hurry to photo the making of the bonnet, so there will just be completed pics of mine...I will attempt to be better next time!!!



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