Thursday, June 13, 2013

1815 Half Mourning Hat...Pattern Drafting Time!

Again, I find myself short a hat pattern.  If this were the case with a dress, bodice, or skirt, I would totally go into a high speed panic, search the internet's plethora of pattern companies in hopes to find exactly what I was looking for, check out ebay and etsy to see if some soul has decided to offer up a OOP pattern....

Happily for me, I find that I can satisfactorily draft my own hat and bonnet patterns...Yeah for sanity!  I spent all morning this past Tuesday in my bed room, sitting on the floor with several pieces of very large white card stock, drafting the pattern for this hat.  The crown and crown top were a cinch.  The brim.  Well, let's just say that my la maze breathing practices from 11 years ago came very well into practice!  

Finally after about 4 hours, I accomplished what my crazed brain had mandated that I accomplish.  A pattern for my 1815 Half Mourning Hat!  Huzzah!!!

The next day, I decided that I should try my pattern out.  This step didn't take as long as the drafting part (thank you Lord!!!) and a little while later, I tried on the hat.  Success!!  Oh how lovely it is when I can try on something for the first time and not have that horrid sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, knowing that I will have hours of seam ripping ahead of me...

Front view of hat frame...and me without any make-up.  This is how anxious I was to see if the pattern would work with the actual hat making materials....

I really like how the front looks... 

Side view....Yeah!!!

Back view!!!  Huzzah!!!

Bring on the coverings and trim!!!