Thursday, June 13, 2013

An 1815 Half Mourning Hat....

For the Lewis and Clark Picnic at the end of July, I plan on making a half mourning dress.  Why half mourning you ask?  I mean, it's not like the place where we plan on having the picnic is conducive to any manner of cool temperature (temps at the Idaho Botanical Gardens at the end of July usually run in the 105-113 range....ugh) so black would not be the ideal color to wear to this venue.  Why would I choose half mourning?  Because I have a totally rockin', fabulous, awesome, somewhat era correct stash fabric to use!!!  Squee!!! 

 I also have the opportunity to enter another of the Historical Sew Fortnightly challenge that the Dreamstress hosts.  This one is titled "Lace and Lacing".  I will be making a bonnet to go with my half mourning dress and there will be lace adorning it!!  Not an overabundance of lace will be found on this hat, but there will BE lace and I think that qualifies for Challenge #13!!  Yeah! 

While researching Regency era bonnets and hats, I came across this bonnet and literally screamed!  It is so gorgeous!  I love all of the most wonderfully delicate details that this bonnet has to offer!  Look at all that fabulous fabric manipulation!  Le Swoon!!!  

I also came across this fabulous fashion plate from Costumes Parisiens from 1815.  The black bonnet on the right in the middle literally screamed my name....I so found the hat I was going to make!

This wonderful print from Ackerman's Repository (Walking Dress, December 1817) had the perfect inner whiteness of the brim of the bonnet that I was desiring, and again had a lovely height that I have grown to really like!

Not wanting a bonnet to go with this dress, but rather a hat, I then began looking for images that would support my want.  Enter La Belle Assemblee, Carriage Costume, November 1816.

A Morning Dress from La Belle Assemblee, July 1815 proved to me that I could make a hat without a tie as well!  Huzzah, as I so do not enjoy the feel of bonnet ties under my chin or around my ears.....I do believe that I have a great plan for a Regency era hat with historical backing!  I love it when that happens!!!

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