Thursday, June 13, 2013

1815 Half Mourning Hat Complete!

My 1815 Half Mourning Hat is finished!!  Yeah!!  This is the first time I ever that I have not had to re-do any part of a hat!  This was a very fun project and I so cannot wait to wear it!

The Challenge:  #13 Lace and Lacing

The Fabric:  Black Dupioni Silk

Pattern:  My own

Year:  1815

Notions:  cotton thread, millinery wire, buckram, antique lace

How Historically Accurate is it?:  Um...the shape and look are as accurate as I could make it for just looking at a fashion plate.  I'm not sure about the dupioni silk.  I know there are 1860s dresses that were made from it, but I don't know if it was used in the early 1800s.

Hours to Complete:  14

First Worn:  Will be worn on the last Sunday in July

Total Cost:  Hat was made from stash left overs or things that have been in there so long I don't remember the cost....yeah for stash materials!  The only think that I bought specifically for this was the white netting for the underside of the brim....that came to $5.00


  1. That hat is absolutely amazing!! You did a GREAT job. I find your work inspiring and it challenges me to improve my sewing sills. I wish I could make hats the way you do...or dresses for that matter! I can't wait to see the complete outfit. Good luck with the contest!

    1. Oh my Valerie! Thank you so much!! What a most wonderful compliment you have given me! I do hope that my sewing is an inspiration to others...especially when sometimes it takes extra aggravating steps to get there! I just checked out your Etsy shop and blog and your outfits are wonderful!

    2. Thanks! I know what you mean about the aggravating steps! I about go insane sometimes. You would never know that you had any trouble with the way your things turn out. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    3. Oh Valerie.....There have been times that visions of dousing my project with gasoline and setting afire has crossed my mind in vivid color...but then I take a very deep breath...sometimes 10...and just go on! And yes, there have been times that I too have questioned my sanity!! I totally understand where you are coming from!

  2. This looks amazing! You have definitely helped convince me I need to start learning to make hats as well!

    1. Yeah! Thank you Laura! I am happy that I have helped convince you to learn to make hats! I adore making them as they are a fun thing to do and a lot of times give me a reprieve from making dresses... all the fitting and such makes my brain hurt sometimes and hats give me a break from that! Can't wait to see your future hats! hint hint.....

  3. Dear Gina,
    Absolutely everything you make is PERFECT! I am in awe of your talent! It amazes me how you are able to take a fashion plate and, making it look easy, magically bring it to life. Beautiful. Really, your new hat is gorgeous and I love all of the different trims/textures! Someday, I hope to sew and make hats half as well as you.
    Anneliese :)
    P.S. By the way, thanks for following my blog

    1. Anneliese! Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments! I just love taking fashion plates and making them come to life! It's so much fun! I just took a peek at your fabulous Sleepy Hallow hats and they are wonderful!!! And your bonnets are excellent too!

  4. Hi Gina

    Your hat is absolutely georgious! It is inspiring to see how you make things. You did a great job.
