Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Regency Stovepipe Bonnet 1

So, while awaiting things to fall in place for the upcoming projects I need to make for The Museum Comes To Life, I decided to abuse my fingers and cover one of my Regency Stovepipe bonnets with straw.  And abuse I did.  This hat was covered about 1.5 weeks ago and my fingers are just now beginning to speak with some civility to me again.  Ggggrrrrr...rebellious fingers.  Anyhoo, here is the bonnet and the link again to what started me off on this crazy side road to pain....

Front view.  When I decide what color the dress is going to be, I will pleat the material that I use in the dress for the underside of the brim.

This picture reminds me the hat Fanny Dorrit wore in "Little Dorrit"

Fanny Dorrit...from "Little Dorrit"

Awaiting colors, feathers and ribbon selection...


I have another stovepipe cut out and wired.  The crown is canted forward quite a bit more and this one I believe will be covered in cloth.  I like my fingers to like me and being a part of my person, so I shall not be covering buckram with straw for a while.  But I am quite pleased with the way this one turned out!!!  

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