Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Haul of Vintage Patterns!!!

Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!!  So last Thursday I was out and about and decided to drop by a thrift store in our area that goes by the name of ReNew.  It is a non profit that supports animal shelters and animals in general.  They are a HUGE store and I can always find something fabulous there.  Well, I wasn't in the "I need this or that" mode, just sort of looking around as I had time to kill, when I went to peruse their sewing/craft department.  I was moving amongst their offerings when what did my wondering eye spy?  Vintage patterns of course!  I have never given any thought to making garments from anytime later than the 1920s until I started following Lauren's blog

Let me tell you what.  That lady knows how to wear vintage and wear it superbly she does!  She has gotten  my costuming minded mind thinking that perhaps a 50s dress would be super fun to wear.  So when I spied these other yearly goodnesses, by eyes dilated, my heart rate went up, my palms began to sweat, and my creative juices started flowing...along with a healthy dose of know...I began to drool....and AND!!!  They were only .21 cents a piece!!!  Yes, you read that right... $0.21.  So, I did what any other rational minded costuming lady would do.  I bought 29.   Here they are!! 

Men's Jammies

These little gentlemen's outfits are so fabulous!  The snow suits that are situated in the bottom left hand corner are so old, the pattern pieces use the small letter hole method of identifying the pieces!!  Fabulous!

Awesome young ladies' short/skirt combinations!

Sweet little ladies dresses


I am so loving the swimsuits and the kimono-esque cover up.

Seriously,  I adore sailor suits as many of you know and I WILL MAKE ONE OF THESE!!!

The sailor suits again with more red and blue dresses!!


and more Dresses!!! 

I had to throw this one too.  I didn't find this at the ReNew Store but at Goodwill.  I think it is so adorable!!!

Well, that is my show and tell for the day.  I sooooo cannot wait to be done with my already HUGE "to make" list so I can try my hand with the 50s.  Then I will of course have to research the undies so that I can have a correct silhouette?  Oh well!  Love it all!!


  1. WOW!! Total score!!!! I can't believe it!
    My favorites are the cute swimsuit and the 50's evening dress with the uneven hem. So fun!

    And I'm so flattered you mentioned me :) I can't wait to see what you create!

    1. Yes! So fun!!! Well, you are a fabulous inspiration!!! Thank YOU!!!
