Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Duct Tape Dummy For My Mummy!

Hahahahahaha!!!  Ohmygosh!  I think this was quite possibly one of the most entertaining afternoons I have spent in a long time!  Yesterday, Mama came over and I had the fun opportunity of duct taping her!  You see, as I am the one who makes all of her Victorian and Edwardian dresses, I need something to drape her dresses upon.  Not being one to jump at my decrees of "I need to fit this bodice to you now, get up here" I thought the second best thing to her actual body would be a duct tape dummy!  So...1.5 rolls of silver duct tape, one roll of white duct tape, one of Greg's shirts...(shhhhh...don't let him know), two blisters, a headache, and 1.5 hours later, I had a dummy for my Mummy!!!  hahahahaha!!!  Here is the forum where I got my most perfect information.  Greeneyed Gypsy is my very dear friend and she does a fabulous job of demonstrating how to make a duct tape dummy!!

Bwahahahaha....Mom before her most claustrophobic entombment of tape!  Look at how happy she looks!

Mom after enduring 1.5 hours of taping!  She actually did really well!

The Nana Mark One!  I took the measurements and they added up!  Sweet!!  Now to begin work!!!  Thank you Greeneyed Gypsy!!  You so totally rock!!


  1. It did turn out really well! I can take any credit, I did not invent them I just gathered information and shared it. Go "Gina's mom!" lookin good. I need to get Connie a new one! The patterns are amazing, what a find! I love the bonnet... regency is sooooo on my list!

    1. Thank you! We had fun doing it! I looked at your photos a lot during the taping. I hope it does for me what i wish it to do!

      We need to attend an event where we can dress Regency! I'll make your bonnet!
