Monday, August 27, 2012

1912 Blue and White Stripe Linen Croquet Party Dress

This year at for The Museum Comes To Life, our group has decided to put on a picnic and croquet game.  My family group will be dressing in 1912 fashion.  What fun!!  I already have my dress made...the Ruth's Butter Yellow Tea Dress...score as it is already done!  Mom's will be blue and white.  So, tomorrow, I shall start on that!!!

Fashion plate that is the inspiration  Love the buttons and the lines!!!  The outer skirt and bodice will be white with blue stripe linen and the underskirt and inset of the bodice will be blue faux linen.  I have some white taffeta that will be the edging and then the buttons will be the blue faux linen.

Fabrics and the brim of the enormous hat that will become her HUGE teens chapeaux!

Inspiration for her HUGE hat!  I love both of these hats and I have some fabulously HUGE white wings that will be pressed into service!!  Can't wait to begin this project!!


  1. I love the 1912 dresses. Those Edwardians sure loved their buttons.
    Great idea on the hat! I have a straw I bought in W'burg that I could do this with.

  2. I too love 1912!!! I can't wait to see what you do with your straw hat!!
