Monday, May 4, 2015

Gangsters to Gatsby Event at the Old Idaho Penitentiary!!!

Ok, yes, I am working on my 1895 sailor dress and it is coming along quite nicely.  I have to do the sleeves and the collar, then it shall be complete!  BUT................

I have to get this down in writing as I am super excited and I DO NOT want to change my mind.  My reasoning is, if I post it here, I will be held accountable in some sort of way, to holding to making this!  Weird, yes I know.

On June 5th, the Friends of the Historical Society and Old Idaho Penitentiary is holding a fund raiser called Gansters to Gatsby, and I am wanting to make a new 1920s dress to wear to it.  While perusing Etsy today while Colton was working on math, a dress literally jumped off the computer screen, grabbed me up by the shirt collar and screamed "MAKE ME!!!!!!"  I said "Yes Mistress!!!!" and knew in an instant what colors and fabrics I would use.  

Two years ago when I was in my "Make all the Phryne Fisher things" mode, I purchased a length of fabric from WalMart in a most fabulous shade of salmon.  (When Josie was here she did a burn test on it and concluded that it is a wool/cotton blend which totally made me deliriously happy as it was only $2.00 a yard and I have like 7+ yards.)  One of the places Josie and I visited on her visit here was the Antique World Mall.  In one of my favorite booths, was a most delicious ribbon that screamed at me "BUY ME!!!!!!"  I said "Yes Mistress!!!!"  I had a sneaking suspicion that it could possibly match my fabric and clung to it like a drowning person to a life preserver!!!  We been looking at all the lovely things for over 2 hours, when we came to one of the very last booths.  Hanging on the wall was a most incredible pair of black 1920s lace-up oxfords.  They screamed "BUY ME!!!!" and I said "mmmmmm....really?"  Josie and I conferred for a bit and she insisted they were in fact 1920s shoes and told me that if I didn't buy them that she would.  I bought them.  We both had doubts that my exceedingly wide hobbit feet wouldn't fit them, but much to my delight and surprise, my feet fit quite nicely!!  

My beautiful wool/cotton fabric, divine ribbon (that really does match perfectly but my camera caught the shine of the ribbon and makes it look off) and my crazy cool 1920s shoes!!!!

Super fabulous inspiration came from Etsy (inspiration source).  I LOVE the black french piping and buttons!!!  I have been looking for an inspiration for my salmon dress for a very long time and the moment my eyeballs spotted this dress, my insides leapt for joy as I took in all the delicious details!!  I knew in an instant that the salmon would work if I used black for the french piping!!  I am so excited about this that I am really going to have to force myself to finish the 1895 sailor dress.... 

The dress is very simple, but oh so elegant with its fabulous detailing!!!  Do you see the sweet lipstick pocket on the right side of the drop waist?  Darling!!!  Don't know what to think of the belt buckle and so may leave that off of my dress.

The patterns I plan on using are as follows.....

I am thinking this pattern would be great because of the scoop neck of the bodice.  It will be easy to mutate to my bidding!!!!

The pleated skirt on this pattern will be perfect for the skirt on my dress...and no I didn't pay $15.00 for this pattern!  I'm crazy but not that crazy!!!

Well, I hope by putting this "out there", I will stick to my plan!  I found that now a days, I am severely OCD when it comes to costuming and have many, many "Squirrel!!!" moments....

I either need to become a Time Lord, or locate a Time Turner like Hermione had!!!  Some how, I don't think either of these things is going to happen...

Be blessed my friends!!



  1. *Gasps* Now this I have to see!! You're going to be the real cat's meow! Keep us all posted, Anneliese :)

    1. You are so cute Anneliese!! The cat's meow! Too fun! I can't wait to get started on the dress!

  2. OOooh. The fabric. The shoes.
    They look SO beautiful! I cannot wait to see the dress!! :)

    1. Thank you so very much Esther! I'm pretty excited about the project!

  3. It's always a great moment when you find that perfect fabric/trim match. This is going to look wonderful - can't wait!!

    1. I totally agree with you BT!!! It's sort of like hitting the matchy matchy lottery!

  4. Hello Gina, thanks for your kind words on my redingote! To be honest, the compliment is double as it comes from YOU, as I adore everything you make and you are definitely one of my gratest inspirations in the costuming world :) The 1920s project seems great - I know the kind of trouble you're writing about too well myself, when you are working on something, and another event or inspiration pops out... What to do? Finish what is started or move on with another project? And always - so many inspirations and ideas waiting...
    Good luck with that, anyways!


    1. Hello Olga! You are welcome for the comments on your beautiful redingote! I am happy to hear that I am not the only person with the what to do dilemma! In this case though, I will have to start on the 20s dress because I have to help my Mom with her dress!! Thank you also for your very wonderful compliment!! Can't wait to see more of your creations!!
