Monday, April 27, 2015

Josie Comes For A Visit!

I cannot believe that it has been a whole week since my most fabulous friend Josie Smith was here for a visit!!  I had such a wonderful time with her, dressing up, antique shopping, looking at all the things, and laughing our heads off.  Well, not really laughing our heads off, but close!  To put it succinctly, I had a most wonderfully fabulous time while she was here!!!

There wasn't anything planned, dress up wise, so I thought that We Wear History should host a Titanic Picnic at the Idaho Botanical Gardens.  We missed the sinking of the Titanic date by about a week, but that's ok.  It was still the month of April and the weather was sublime!!  We invited some lovely guests from anther costuming group, Style "N" Time and had a wonderful time eating our lunch under the shade of the trees in the garden!  On the menu was Broccoli and Bacon Salad, Chicken and Grape Salad, Herbed Egg Salad Sandwiches, Fruit, Cheese and Crackers, and Chocolate Mousse, all washed down with Iced Tea!

I hope that this picnic becomes an annual event for us here in the Valley!!!

The weather couldn't have been any better.  The air was soft and every once in a while we were blessed with a lovely breeze!!!

The ladies!  L to R:  Carole, Marilyn, Me, Tammy, Josie, Lana and Shannon.  I thought we looked like a lovely bouquet of spring flowers!

The gentlemen join the ladies...on the left is Ruben and on the right is Chick!  They are so much fun to be around and are true gentlemen!!

Edwardian/Teen ladies!

Love this pictures of all of our hats!!  Like yummy, fluffy confections!

Look at the buttons!!  We LOVE buttons!!!

Three shades of purple!!!  LOVE!

Below are some of my favorite pictures of the day.  I took over 300 of them and could have posted many, many more, but didn't want to irritate Blogger.....


We can't help it...we need to be silly!!!

I love this image above and took some serious ones of us ladies in the arch ways....they reminded me of Alphonse Mucha paintings and next post will be dedicated to those...they are fabulous!!!

On Sunday it was to Mom's house so she could capture images of Josie and me in our sailor dresses.  It was the first time ever that two of the three dresses were together in the same place!  We still need to get all three dresses together!  These two are missing their sister!

Mom and Dad have access to a subdivision pond and that is where we decided to have our photos taken.  And yes, silliness ensued!!

You didn't think we had monkeys in Idaho did you?  You were wrong!!!

I like big bustles and I cannot lie!!!

We LOVE stripes and tabs!!!!

I have my bubble thing...Josie had her Coke thing!!  It's a thing....

Love the colors in this picture!  Way to go Mom!!  You are a picture taking rock star!!!

Well, the time went waaaaay too quickly and before I knew it, my friend was on the plane heading back home.  We are so in need of a worm hole in this world!!!  I miss you my dear friend and cannot wait until we can wreak havoc on the tranquility of the world once again!!! Love you!

Be blessed my friends!!



  1. So much fun! I love those dresses! Gorgeous! You are very talented :)

    1. Hello Ruth! Thank you so much for you lovely compliments! I had a very fun time when Josie was here!

  2. The matching bustle dresses are just too cute! One of the things I really love about your posts Gina is that you are always having such a great time! The joy is obvious in your face.

    1. Thank you so much for this compliment Vivien! I love life and I have a soul that is about 8 years old, so I am truly in a constant state of silliness/oy! It helps too that I have friends that enjoy life, are joyful and like to be silly and happy as well!

  3. I wish you were around more often for our events because you know how to get fun photos. Ours just stands around looking at the camera and there's no life to them. Your's are full of life and fun!

    1. Thank you Val! I LOVE taking photos and posing beautifully clad people in poses like they did in the past!! I enjoyed photographing you in Port Townsend!

  4. I love these stripey outfits! You two look so epic!
    Very inspiring.

    1. Thank you so very much Breanna! This was a super fun photo shoot and one very long over due!!
