Thursday, May 2, 2013

Success At Last!!!

Success, thy name is collar!!!  Oh joy!  Oh rapture!!  I finally did something on  this dress that didn't involve seam ripping or grouchiness!  Today, I drafted the collar and made it.  And glory be!  It went together like a song!  hahahahahaha!!  I am so excited my heart is singing!!!  Wicked Witch of Sewingland....your powers over me are no more!  

Ahem....cough cough...sorry.  I am just feeling so very fantastic right now!  The very thought that this day's work was successful is just going to my head!

Tomorrow, hopefully, will see the hemming of the bodice, tabs on the waist band, and collar embellishments come to fruition!!!  

"Swear Like A Sailor" dress...I think you have been brought to heel!!! 


  1. The collar turns out pretty beautyful!

  2. Wow! Looks amazing! Congratulations!

  3. Wonderful! The collar is great! I knew you would make it behave!

  4. Thank you ladies! I was so happy when this went together without a snag! I almost cried with joy!
