Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sailor Suit of Swear Sleevils.....

Yesterday when I went to pick Cody up from school, I was regaling one of the teachers there with my tales of woe with this stupid dress.  She of course laughed through the whole thing, tears streaming down her face, doubled over in my expense of course.  Then I said that for most of the making of this dress the air in my sewing room was blue from all the swearing I had done (not ability to embellish a story for laughter sake is greatly known amongst my friends) and I thought she was going to wet her pants she laughed so hard.  Then she said something brilliant.  "Well, you are making a sailor suit dress, it only makes sense that you would be swearing like a sailor!!!"  

From this day forth, this dress will be know as the "Sailor Suit of Swear" dress.  Fits perfectly I think.  Even making the sleeves gave me issue.  Of course I couldn't use one sleeve pattern.  I didn't have one.  I had to use two pattern pieces from two different patterns  The sleeve top was from Simplicity 9699 and the sleeve cuff from Butterick 5232.  Because the pieces were from two different patterns, they didn't fit together perfectly so I had to mess with them....Why not!!  Nothing else has gone smoothly!!  


Well, tomorrow, I shall tackle the sailor collar.  I already know that I'll have issues with it as I don't have enough silk for a whole piece...I'll have to piece it.  That's ok.  It is after all the "Swear Like a Sailor" dress!  

Sleeve set in.  They look pretty good...

Boy is this image glaringly white!  Next time I won't use the flash on my camera....

Starting to look pretty good!!!

Upper sleeves were made using this pattern....

Sleeve cuffs were made using the pattern piece for view B

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