Sunday, October 28, 2012

Merlot Wool Suit Moving Along Nicely!!

Ohmygosh....I cannot believe how crazy my life has been these past few weeks!!  So crazy that I don't know up from down, left from right, winkon from nod....UGH!!  So, I am going to be doing some retro-posting on my wool suit!  This post will be the post about working on the jacket.  May I just say that I love working with wool?  It is glorious!!  It doesn't unravel, it irons beautifully, and it is a dream to sew.

Front of jacket

Side....I am having issues with the use of the twill tape.  It is a little thick and in the future will not be used.  That being said, I hope I can find a suitable replacement or I just won't make anything similar!

I am liking the back with the buttons and different textural look!

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