Sunday, October 28, 2012

Merlot Wool Suit Jacket Complete!!!

The jacket is done!  Yeah!!  I found some really lovely tatting in my stash and fell in love with it for this project!  Tomorrow I will be starting on the skirt, that is if I can drag my butt out of bed.  I am still so beat from the past two weeks....

Front with the frogs and buttons and trim!

The front dips down a smidge as opposed to the back, but that is ok with me!

Back.  You can see the sleeve decoration.  That had my brain working in over time to figure out how to make it look like the original.  Happily, everything came together in a manner to my liking!  

Next, I tackle the skirt.  I am hoping it goes together more quickly!!


  1. Really wonderful! I love seeing in detail how you work out how to do what you want. Did you ever do a skirt post?

    1. Thank you Kat! Do you know what? I did not make a skirt post! Weird huh? I I think I didn't make it as I just used the same technique for the trim as I used on the jacket.
