Saturday, September 22, 2012

On My "To Do" List...

So, I was going through my fabric boxes today and was just a bit interested by all the "To Do" outfits I have. Here is a partial list of them.  These don't include a few others of mine, nor does it include the outfits I have planed for my mom!  Good heavens.  I would just love to be able to not have to sleep for 8 hours a night!  Can you imagine the outfits I could crank out?  

First off is this awesome archery dress from the movie " Daniel Deronda.  I adore this outfit.  The color combination is fabulous and quite striking!  My costuming group is going to start an archery club that I am so incredibly excited about!  The red fabric came from a store here in town called Home Fabrics.  It has a HUGE selection of really wonderful fabrics.  The ivory dupioni came from Hancock Fabrics.
Daniel Deronda photo from The Costumer's Guide Photo Bucket collection

Next up is a wonderful late bustle dress that my dear friend Josie and I are doing.  We call these dresses "sister" dresses as similar fabrics are used.  Mine is the one above and Josie's is the plaid with black silk instead of the red.  I can't wait to start on mine!  Josie has already made hers.

I was at The Idaho Youth Ranch thirst store the other day and came across 6 yards of this marvelous cranberry wool!!  Laaaaaaaaaa!!!  (It is actually darker than the photograph..)  I have been searching for a perfect shade of wool to make a winter Edwardian suit and now I have it!  I am so thrilled.  I already had the patterned velvet that came from Hancocks that I will use for accents.  The pattern came from Rocking Horse Farm pattern company...

Ok, so I have been in love with the Chemise a la Reine since I was a little girl.  I didn't know it was called that at the time though.  My Grandmother Jeanne, had pictures of Pinkie 
and Blueboy hanging on her wall and I would study Pinkie for hours.  I loved the filmy white dress she wore, the pink sash and her pink hat.  She was so lovely and her dress was so girlie.  Then I grew up and noticed lots of costuming ladies making these lovely dresses and I thought...I think I want one as well!  The white filmy fabric came from the St. Vinent de Paul thrift store here in town and the blue dupioni silk I have had forever.  The image above is of Anna Maria and Thomas Jenkins painted by Angelica Kauffmann...found on wikipedia.  I adore the hat that Anna Maria is wearing!

Another thrift store find! Again from The Idaho Youth Ranch is this wonderful raw silk window pane charcoal and black plaid.  I loved it on sight and found that there was 5.5 yards!  Whoo hoo!!!  I think the fashion plate here will be a perfect inspiration to use with the fabric.  My sweet friend Madame Kat send me 3 yards of black silk crape and I think I will use that somewhere on the dress too.  I will most definitely be using it to create a flowerpot hat!!!  Thanks Kat!

Ha!  More thrift store fabrics!  I love my thrift stores!!!  The plum figured taffeta and the plum and green velvet came from Savers.  I had the acid green taffeta for quite a few years.  I brought the thrift store fabrics home and was digging around my stash and discovered that they were meant for each other!  I believe that the dress on the left of the fashion plate will be a wonderful dress made of these fabrics!  The fashion plate came from Cotroceni National Museum.

Guess what?  More thrift store fabric!  Shocker!!!  These both came from St. Paul's.  The window pane fabric is a very light fabric...reminds me of linen.  The black velvet will be the accent and buttons.  I have a black dupioni that will be the solid.  Love this dress and can't wait to make that hat!!!

The solid silk are curtain panels found at the Idaho Youth Ranch.  I love finding silk curtains at thrift stores!!! These came to me for 4 dollars for each panel.  The panels are over 60" wide and 3 yards long.  I won't do the math as I suck at that particular event, but you can guess that that is a great bargain!  The plaid is a cotton as is the burnt out velvet.  I have had this fashion plate so long that I can't remember where I got it from!  Sorry!!!

Oh how I love stripes!  Again the fabric came from Savers.  There is 7 yards to play with.  I would really like this dress to have a steampunk-y feel to it as I just recently found out that there is a steampunk group here in town!  Laaaaaaa!!!  I adore this fashion plate that I found on the Old Rags Tumblr.

I don't know if I will use ivory, black, or a deep red for the accent color....still in the thinking stage.

This lovely red wool came from yet another thrift store.  Can't remember which one and it is actually a deep red and not so bright in real life!  The lace is antique and came from a good friend.  The inspiration dress is fabulous and can be found at the Detroit Historical Museum.

Oh how I love pink!  It is so girlie and wonderful!  The fabrics came from JoAnn's, the lace and flowers from an antique store!  I adore this dress.  I have found some lovely antique gold trim at JoAnn's that I think will look rather well with it!  I came across the dress on Pinterest and can't find where it came from originally!  I will keep searching!  Found it!  1910 Powerhouse museum.

Well, that is all for now.  I can't wait until all of these dresses come to "life".  That way I can plan others and find more fabrics!!  I think this stage of the costuming craziness is one of the most fun!

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