Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dress Inspirations....There are a Multitude!

I have had many friends, costuming and non-costuming alike, who ask me where I get my inspirations for the dresses I make.  At that point in the conversation, my eyes usually glaze over, I start to drool, and my heart begins to palpitate.  You see, there is such a glorious variety of inspiration for the creation of Victorian and Edwardian dresses....well, any dress actually.  I use fashion plates, antique photographs, extant dresses, movies, paintings.  And don't forget color inspirations!  I have found color inspiration from a lotion bottle.  Yes, a lotion bottle.  I have a tube of Black Raspberry Vanilla body cream from Bath and Body Works that exhibits luscious shades of a deep plum and black!!  Here it is...

Isn't it lovely?  You can find color inspiration anywhere and everywhere you look!  I love looking at flowers.  Fushias, lilies, roses, clematis, about your perfect color combinations.  Or fruits and veges!  Watermelon.  Corn.  Dragon Fruit.  Strawberries.  Raspberries.  Believe it or not, if you find a color combination from nature or a lotion bottle, chances are the Victorians, Edwardians, Romantics, and Colonials have already beat you to it!

In these next 4 or 5 posts, I will be sharing some of the places I draw my inspiration from.  I hope you find it useful!

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