Sunday, July 8, 2012

Red, White and Blue at the Idaho State Capitol

Finally the day arrived for us ladies to don our 1886 big bustle Victorian  for my dear friend Josie, and 1903 Edwardians for Mama and me.  We ate a delicious lunch at le Cafe de Paris across from the Capitol building.  It is so fabulous!!!  I WILL be going back!  Then we walked to the capitol and spent a couple of hours looking at the lovely building and taking photos.  

We three in our frippery.

Miss Emily who was our wonderful photographer!  It was so fun having her with us!  She is a delight!

In front of the enormous American flag....

I like this shot of us walking down the steps...

Affecting the "S" bend of the time...

I wanted to take Josie to the Bishop's House that is at the Old Idaho State Penitentiary, but there was to be a wedding that evening, so we took a few pics at the Warden's House.  It is a very lovely quarried sandstone building.  

Josie atop a vintage bicycle...too cute!

I love the way Mama's skirt turned out...truly a bell shape!  

This day was so very fun!  I enjoyed my time with my sweet friends and lovely Mama!  Can't wait to do another dress date!!!

The rest of the photos of this day can be seen here

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