Sunday, July 8, 2012

Edwardian Sailor Suit Fashion Plates Come to Life!

Finally the day arrived when Mama and I could wear our 1903 Sailor Suits!!  We wore these to the Idaho Capitol building for these photos.  I am truly thrilled at how well they turned out, how lovely and simple the Truly Victorian patterns were to put together, and how comfortable they were to wear!  

Here they are!!!

Here are the links to the Truly Victorian patterns I used for these dresses


  1. Fantastic! And so well made -- the silhouettes are actually correct! (A frequent error in historical reproduction costumes from eras that had unusual corset models.)

  2. Thank you so much Min Self! I was truly happy with the way these dresses turned out. I try hard to make the dresses I create look like they are supposed to! You have made me happy!
