Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stripe Madness....

My arms are sore, my shoulders are sore, my neck is sore, my back is sore, my fingers are burned....BUT, the stripes on the bottom of my sailor skirt are on!!!  I spent about 7 hours today making bias strips for this particular stage of the dress, and then pinning and sewing on said strips.  I forgot how much I hate making bias strips.  Just like making pleats.  Hate that step.  But the effect is well worth it in my opinion!  Now to go and take my cocktail....which consists of 3 Advil and 2 Tylenol!

Ooooh!  And I found some great old buttons that are old gold around a blue THE EXACT SAME COLOR AS THE FABRIC!!!!   I found them in my Grandma Iva's buttons that I have been keeping safe.   Huzzah and away!!!

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