Monday, June 18, 2012

My Edwardian Sailor Dress Started!

Ok, so it does seem crazy to be working on two dresses at the same time....My friend Josie laughed at me when I told her what I was doing, which was rightly deserved.  But there is a method to my madness.  Since both dresses are using the same blue silk and the ivory silks are very close to the same color, I find that it is more time conscious to do it that way.  Why?  Because I HATE changing the thread on my machine!  It is a total waste of time if you ask me.  Ok, so maybe I'm just lazy.  Whatever.  The point is, in my messed up mind, it seems like the correct thing to be doing!  hahahahaha.....

Reminder of what my dress is being patterned after.  I am using the new Truly Victorian Edwardian TVE41 Plain Shirtwaist and TVE21 Trumpet Skirt patterns for these dresses....they are what you would expect from Heather's patterns.  Wonderfully easy to put together!!  LOVE it!!!

Placement of the bias tapes.....ugh....I hate making "home made" bias tape.....but, I am OCD and have to be there you go.

What I have completed thus far, pinned to my disgustingly skinny Emma.  She needs to start eating and gaining weight, poor thing.  I did try everything on with my under things and got that jolt of "OHMYGOSH THIS IS GOING TO BE SO TOTALLY FUN"  adrenalin running through me and the goofy perma-grin look on my face.  Gosh, I love making costumes!!! 

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