Friday, March 27, 2015

Port Townsend Victorian Festival: Saturday Day

Day 2:  Saturday (Daytime) 1885

I was so proud of my Mom!!  She decided that she wanted to make her own bustle sailor dress for this trip and she got it 94.89% complete!  IT LOOKED FABULOUS!!!!  She got her inspiration off of a fashion plate from Le Journal des Modistes (image below).  It was stunning on her and it is now one of her favorite dresses!

Thankfully, the wind had died down to a whimper, so our hats were safe from flight.  It did offer up some gusts at times, and it was still on the chilly side, but all in all, it was a wonderful day on the wharf! 

Mama and me!  Isn't her dress awesome!!!  I am so proud of her! 

The inspiration for Mom's dress.  We couldn't find any fabric that was white with blue anchors, but JoAnn's had some blue with white anchor linen fabric a few years ago.  The white fabric on Mom's dress is a white on white cotton jacquard.  She will get around to embroidering the HUGH anchor at the front of her dress when she gets a few spare hours.

We decided that gold buttons would look smashing on this outfit and we were right!!

Ah yes...the little girl comes out!!  My Mom is so fun!

My dress finally gets to see the sea!!!  I know it was told me so!

Amazingly enough, the color scheme of the clouds, water and far shore line worked so well with the colors of our dresses.

Out for a stroll on the wharf!

This was such a lovely day!

Oh yes...those gusts of wind I was telling you about?  Yaaaaa....this is an example of one!  It was quite brisk and one could say refreshing!

The tide was out, so we went in search of sea shells.

Mom kept laughing at how seriously HUGE the bustles made out bums look when we bent over!  Hiiiiilarious!!!  But you get a good shot of my shoes!  I have had these forever and LOVE them!

More gusty wind!

Mom spied a huge clam shell right at the edge of the water and was on a mission to fetch it.

She acquired a stick to help her in her endeavor!   I LOVE how well the gold buttons "pop" on the front of her bodice.


DO NOT RUIN YOUR DRESS!!!!  Or fall in!  I am so not jumping in after you!

Success!!  Her smile says it all!

Coming back, prize in tow!!

This was a fun day!  We walked around the town with Val LaBore, purchased buttons and then went to lunch.  It was a very fun day indeed!!!

For those of you who don't know her...this is Val the button enabler...hahahaha!!!  She took us to a place that has OHMYGOSH fabulous antique glass buttons and we went a bit crazy....Thanks again Val!!!

Well, that's all for Saturday Day of our weekend saga....

Be blessed my friends!!



  1. I am not a button enabler. I just know where the good stuff is. ;)
    You should have shared a photo of your goodies. I will when I get home.

    1. That you totally do Val! We need to go antique shopping together more often!! I hope you are having a lovely time with your Mom!

  2. Your nautical themed dress is INCREDIBLE! I want one! I love the pictures on the beach, they're so beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much Lindsey! My favorite dress "themes" are the sailor dresses...tied with mourning dresses!

  3. You ladies look fantastic! And what a perfect backdrop!

    1. Thank you Caroline! Living in the land locked state of Idaho, we were ecstatic to be able to photo our dresses by the ocean!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Lauren! I love seaside dresses!

  5. Once again, those are incredibly beautiful dresses! That era suits you both perfectly! I just love both of the gowns - they're SO gorgeous!
    Your shoes are just beautiful as well - where did you get them?
    As for the comment the other day - the 1911 magazine pages are on my blog here;
    Perfectly beautiful dresses, ladies and photographs, Gina!! :)

    1. Thank you for both the compliment and the link Esther! I will have to go and check it out!!!

  6. I love sailor dresses! Both of yours came out so well! You two are just so cute together.

    1. Thank you so much Vivien! I LOVE dressing up with my Mom!

  7. Gina - I, along with everyone else, am so enjoying your Port Townsend photos! I just love nautical, sailor & sea-side fashions and these two blow me away!! You & your mother are so talented - what a special connection! Keep inspiring us, Anneliese :)

    1. Thank you so much Anneliese! I never know if I am posting too much or too many pictures...but when I take so many, it's hard to weed them out! hahahahaha!!! I do really appreciate the time that my mom and I get to spend together for any reason! She is a hoot!!

  8. More lovely outfits. The two of you were clearly having so much fun - and well done to your mother for getting her clam prize!

    1. It's so funny about the clam. It looked so much larger when looking at from high on the pier. I was shocked at the true size of it! We did indeed have a great time!
