Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Merry Dickens Christmas To You All!!!

This past Saturday was Ye Olde Fashioned Family Christmas celebration at my church and some of the members of We Wear History dressed up to add "atmosphere" to the event.  The ladies attended as villagers who were out shopping and making merry and the gentlemen were Ebenezer Scrooge.  One was his young not so jaded self, the other, the older "Scrooge" self.  We also had a sweet Belle, Ebenezer's love interest in his youth.  It was a really fun experience as we got to visit with people, watch children make crafts, listen to "A Christmas Carol" read my by Brother in Law, and general have a merry time!

Village ladies, the two Scrooges, and Miss Belle.

The elves from Stained Glass Coffee Shop.  Free brewed coffee and hot chocolate was served to the wet (it rained most of the day) event goers.  The "one horse open sleigh" was loaned to us by the founding pastor of our church, Tri Robinson.  It was fabulous.  Many a family had their pictures taken in it!

Ebenezer in his night clothing.  The Victorian Smoking Jacket was made a while ago.  I really quickly made the night shirt using Simplicity 4923.  I extended the body part to 50" to make it longer.  It is about as long as the smoking jacket so you can't see it in the pictures... Chris White, my BIL is an author and the visionary for the event.  He read "A Christmas Carol" in 4 segments throughout the event.

Young Ebenezer and his Belle....aren't they the cutest?  Belle's outfit is actually my very first Regency Era dress I made over 12 years ago after binge watching "Pride and Prejudice".  There used to be a burgundy bonnet that went along with it.  It was patterned after Lizzie Bennet's dress when she sees Darcy coming out of the lake all dripping wet....

Yay for completed dresses!  1837 Cranberry Christmas dress.  The sleeves maintained their shape nicely, but as I said, next time I will be adding netting between the layers.

The little girls I encountered were so funny about my basket.  They asked what I had in it and were severely disappointed when I showed them my phone, camera, gum and car keys.  I think they were expecting something exciting like a pastry from the bakers or some needle work!

The shape of this bonnet makes me really happy.  Lynn McMasters has done a fabulous job making the pattern!

Miss Villager with Mr. Scrooge... My fabulous husband grew mutton chop side burns especially for this event!!  He looked aaaaawesome!!  He shaved them off yesterday.  I am so sad.

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!  I hope your day is filled with joy, blessings, family, fun and great food!!!

"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:10-11

Be blessed my friends!!!



  1. Gina, oh my god, you look way beyong amazing! As do all the ladies actually. And that shade is just splendid on you. Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  2. So wonderful, Gina!!!! Fabulous, in fact!

  3. Oh! You look amazing! That period suits you so well, and the bonnet is divine. What a fun outing. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  4. You all look fabulous! It must have been a great time. I love Scrooge's clothes, and, of course, your lovely dress! Have a Merry Christmas :)

  5. What a wonderful event you had. All of you looked great - but I like your husband as Mr. Scrooge best! The two last pictures with the both of you are fantastic!

    Your new dress and the hat are gorgeous and suit you very well (as always). A wonderful new ensemble.

    Merry christmas to you and your family!
