Friday, June 27, 2014

The 1950s Dress and My Grandma Iva

One of my outfits for Costume College is a 1950s dress inspired by a dress I found on Pinterest.  I know, you are shocked!  hahahahaha!!  Anyway, this week I was wanting to get as much done on it as I could, but canning season has started here in the Treasure Valley and I had pie cherries that needed to be attended to.  Sour cherry jam, juice and gallettes were made to the delight of my family.  One day while processing juice, I decided that while I was having to stay in the kitchen to keep an eye on the canning process, I would work on my 1950s dress.  While I was sewing the darts in the back of the blouse part of the dress and the juice was boiling in the canner, I had this most uncanny feeling of what my Grandma Iva did when in the 1950s and felt a very intense kindred spirit-ship with her.   You see, Grandma canned everything that she grew and sewed almost everything that her 6 daughters wore.  (My Mama has told me of many outfits that her Mom made for her to wear.)  Grandma was so very beyond talented when it came to sewing.  She didn't have money for patterns, so she developed the talent of making her own.  She died when I was 3 so I don't have that many memories of her, but I do have some memories of her...and they are good ones!  I also have many toys that she made for me; a string of large buttons, Barbie dresses made from left over material from my Mom's wedding dress and the dresses of her bridesmaids, and a book that she made for me from pictures that she cut out of catalogs and magazines.  I sure wish she was around so I could visit with her and learn from her.

I have also had a very lovely sense of Patriotism during this week.  Right on time too as Independence Day is coming up and the colors of what I am working on are Red, White and Blue!!  What fun!!

My most favorite pie is a cherry pie.  Whenever we go to a place that has good pie, this is the flavor I get.  With the abundance of cherries that were picked this week, I wanted to make some gallettes, or rustic pies.  I don't like making real pies as there is always so much of it to eat...but gallettes are easy to make and can be frozen for lunches and snacking.  This is the recipe I used for the gallettes: Cooking with Amy and here is the recipe I use for the Pie Crust.  For the filling I used 6 cups of pitted cherries, 1/4 corn starch and 1 cup sugar.  Before baking, I brush the crust with whipped egg white and sprinkle with sugar....mmmmmmmmm so nummy!!!

The inspiration for my 1950s dress...the blue with white polka dot is so adorable!
Source:  Reminisce

Of course every new era dress needs new undies!  I decided to go with petticoat E from Simplicity 5006.

The pattern I used is very similar to a vintage pattern found on Etsy...

The pattern called for petticoat crinoline and I found it at JoAnn's.  Here is Miss Rosie posing with the very stiff crinoline...isn't she cute?

Finished petticoat.  The pattern called for lace on the upper net layer, but the originals I have seen use ribbon.  I also sewed ribbon on the lower layer as well.  It is a bit flat on Emma, but on me it flares out nicely.

Cotton polka dot fabric for the dress and all of my accessories are vintage found at antique stores from around town...this is so fun!!!

What I have accomplished so far.  The bodice and bodice lining are complete and the skirt is sewn together.  The skirt and bodice are just pinned together on Emma as I wanted to see what it would look like.  It fits really nicely!

Closeup...might I just add that I HATE sewing with polka dots this has been super exasperating truing to get those little buggers to line up!!!

Wonderful wavy brim straw hat that I found at Something Special Antique Store...Loooooove it!!!

I had to use some steam to re-energize the flowers as they were a wee bit flat!

Hopefully the rest of the dress will go together easily.  I am debating on wether or not I am brave enough to wear it to the 4th or July parade in town...we shall see if bravery finds me by then!

Have a great weekend my lovely friends!

Be Blessed!



  1. Oh I love this! You need to carry around a slice of apple pie with you at all times and it will be even more perfect! LOL!

    1. Oops... I meant cherry pie. My own subconscious apparently prefers apples.

      Mmmm... apple pie...

    2. Thank you Jen! Carrying around a cherry pie would totally be fun! That's funny that your subconscious is calling for apple pie! Did you get any after you wrote this? Apple is my second favorite pie flavor...mmmmmm....Piiiiieeee....

  2. I love it! Of course you need to wear on the fourth :)

    1. Thank you so much Cindy! I have decided against wearing it as it is going to be a wee bit too HOT on the fourth here! I think I have turned into a wimp!!

  3. This is going to be such a gorgeous outfit! I am sooo jealous that you keep finding such fabulous hats. And the bag with the strawberries is so cute!

    1. Thank you so much Black Tulip!! I adore hats and when I actually find one that I don't have to make...that is totally a score in my book!!!
