Thursday, June 12, 2014

Liebster Award

Good Thursday morning to you all Lovely Readers!  I hope this day finds you rested and refreshed!  I am working my way to that goal.  The past 4 weeks have been...trying...stressful...busier than a milk maid at milking time...crazy...!!!  Between end of school events for my boys, helping my parents with their house and the preparation for a move that looms on the horizon, watching a house for a friend, my Mother In Law visiting and trying to decide what the future holds for her, baseball practice/games, running children hither and yon etc, etc, etc, things have been not been their usual peaceful self.  But things are settling back to their routines and life is finding its center again!  Yeah!  I have been sewing when I can on my long list of items for Costume College and in the next few days I will be posting on those and I finally have time to check out all the blog entries from my favorite bloggers!

For now though, I would like to take the opportunity to thank two lovely ladies.  Crystal Yoner of Adventures in Bias Tape and McKenna Rosen of Cherishing My Roll in the Home.  They have nominated me for the Liebster Award.  What a wonderful compliment and honor to have this happen.  A while ago, I was nominated by Isabella Isabella's Project Diary for the award and that was such a treat!  So, when I got nominated again, my thinking process was this, "Well, this is so neat to have this happen again!  But, what do I do? What are the rules? Can I accept again?  I don't want to appear vain or conceited if I do receive again...But, I want to honor the ladies who awarded me..."  My mind is a very confusing place for me at times.  While I was in JoAnn's the other day the thought hit me.  What a wonderful chance to award other bloggers that I didn't get the chance to award before!  So, here are my new award nominees:

I have listed them in no particular order, and have linked to the post that has inspired me or caused the breath to evacuate my lungs in awe, or that I have thought very sweet!    

OHMYGOSH....can I just say that when I get back from Coco and things calm down, I will seriously be considering making a Robe de Style!  Maria's is so fabulous!

I adore Little Mothball's Violent Violet dress!  The group picture of the ladies at the dance is so wonderful!!

Jane's black gown is so beautiful!  When I make my 18th Century dress, I will be getting inspiration from her!

Gabrielle's blue dress is so breathtaking as is her painted mask.  She has wonderful beauty tips and some drool worthy images of paintings on her site!

I love this dress that Fobmroweczka has made.  It is shiny and perfectly 1920s!!  And she has some fabulous hair tutorials as well!

Black Tulip has done such a fabulous job on the embroidery of this camisole!  I drooled on my keyboard....

7.  Anno 1776
Hello Calash bonnet!!!  Caroline did such an awesome job on it!  On my to do list....

Marie-Laure has re-created Empress Sisi's white spangly dress!!  Hello!  She even has stars in her hair!  Her other dresses are top knotch as well!

Huzzah for spats!  I have tried and failed to make these buggers several times, but Emily has made a pair and she has my forever admiration!

Laaaaa!!!  Sarah made the fabulous pale green/blue 18th centruy ensemble that I have been drooling over for such a long time!  It is so wonderfully done!!

Yeah!  Another 1920s dress and a lovely one at that!  Tara fits the part perfectly!

I really think this Renaissance dress that Gabriela made is so beautiful!  The colors and bead work is so gorgeous!  If I ever get around to making this era, Gabriela's dress will be inspriation for me!

Ok, so I have chosen my nominees, now for the questions for them!

1.  What/When/Why/Who was the inspiration for your getting into period/era costuming?

2.  What is your favorite part of the costuming process?  The research? Design? Sewing? Construction? End where you get to put on our garment and have your photo taken?!

3.  What is your end goal in the costuming arena?  Do you simply want to hone your skills or do you desire a career in the fashion/movie industry?

4.  If you could travel to one place to attend an event to wear you costumes to, where would it be?

5.  What frustrates you most about costuming?

6.  When looking for accessories, do you allow yourself to purchase reproductions or is it antiques only?

7.  Do you allow yourself a lunch break or do you sew right on through the hunger?

8.  What is your most favorite ensemble?  

9.  Why is it your favorite?

10.  What was your most wonderful event/experience/compliment concerning costuming?

11.  What do you listen to/watch when you sew

Now for my questions from McKenna:

1. (Hardest Question Ever) How would you describe yourself?
Learning to be more calm.2. How would you describe your sense of fashion?
Old fashioned.3. Favorite Music Artist Ever? (Aren't these questions easy?)
Third Day4. Favorite Snack?
Fiddle Faddle and Twizzlers licorice5. What is your favorite Non-Fiction Book?
You know what?  I cannot think of one right now!6. Favorite Fiction Book?
Beastly7. What is your favorite historical era fashion-wise and why?
Oh gosh...I shall lump all the Victorian Era into this question!8. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee!!!!9. What are your thoughts on the mismatched sock epidemic?
Never heard of it!  hahahahah!10. What Bible Verses have jumped out at you recently?
Matthew 6:26
Look a the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?
11. Where in the world would you travel to if you could?
Hmmmmm.....I think all around the United States to discover my country!

Fun questions McKenna!

Now the questions from Crystal!

1. Tell me about your first costume in all it's awesome and potentially awful detail :D Share a picture if you have one/want to! 
My first costume was an 1890s Gibson Girl dress.  I used McCall's skirt and blouse patterns and they actually turned out rather well!  The hat on the other hand...we shall not discuss it!
2. How would you describe your sewing "style"? (For example, I'm a night-owl deadline-pusher.) 
I am one who does not like to save things for last.  If it doesn't get done, I employ safety pins to wear it or it just doesn't get completed!
3. How about your sewing companions of the furry variety? If you don't have pets, a non-essential object you just can't be without. (I'm trying to kick my slurpee habit...) Share a picture! 
I have two sweet puppies, Tinkerbelle and Rosie.  Rosie sits on my feet as I sew and Tink hides under the bed...
4. Do you have a sewing "ritual"? What is it? (I like to watch movies! And by watch, I mean "listen to") 
Oh, I have "watched" so many TV series on Netflix as I sew it's not even funny!  Thank heavens they are listing more and more!
5. How about a sewing "outfit"? (I have a "Serious Dress" that gets busted out when it's time to crunch that deadline!) 
I like to sew in my shorts or my gets hot in my room so I take my shower and put my jammies back on! hahahahaha!
6. How does your family/friends take your sewing? 
They think it's cool!  My husband is wonderfully and allows me to sew and create to my heart's content!
7. I'm sure you get a ton of compliments when you're out and about in costume - share your favourite :) 
"You look just like you stepped out of the Victorian Era!"  That's the best...I hear that one a lot!
8. How far have you travelled for a costumed event? OR - how far would you be willing to travel for a costumed event? 
I have travelled to the East Coast...New Jersey, New York, Delaware and one of the Carolinas...Can't remember which one.
9. If you had any advice for a newbie, what would it be? 
Don't strive for perfection.  It will come as you go along.  Be happy with you have created and create for yourself, not for anyone else!
10. How has historical costuming changed your life?
It has just solidified my love of the past!  

Now to alert my nominees!

Be Blessed my friends!  I hope your week is a wonderful one!!



  1. thank you very much, Gina! ;) As I find some time to answer questions, I'll write the response ;)
    Keep Calm
    Costume! ;)

    1. Yes...keep calm is the key! I can't wait to read your replies!

  2. Thank you so much, dear Gina! But you know, I don't sew - I'm only lover of history of art and fashion. And my dresses weren't made by me - I only wear them :) Thanks for this article, I didn't know some of blogs of your list and I saw them with pleasure :) Best regards!

    1. Oh Gabrielle! You don't have to sew to be awarded this award! It is simply an award for a wonderful blog which you have! I love it! I am happy you were introduced to some new blogs!

  3. Gina, I am so honored to be nominated for this award, my first blog award ever! I must have lived in the early 20th century in a past life because I love that period so much; your impressive skill and mastery in the creation of Edwardian garments continues to inspire me and add fuel to my Edwardian fire! Best, Gabriela

    1. Oh thank you for your wonderful compliment! I think your sewing and skills, especially your embroidery is so fabulous!!

  4. Dear Gina,
    although little late, I want to thank you for the nomination. I am very honored, because I love to read your blog so very much. It is always very inspiring, your dresses and hats are so beutiful.
    Best regards

    1. Hello Emily!! Well, you deserved to be recognized for you wonderful blog! Thank you for your very lovely compliment!! I am happy that I am inspiring!
