Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Liebster Award!

Well this is fun!  I have received the Liebster Blog Award from Isabella of Isabella's Project Diary!  Now I get to do my homework!

A.  Thank your awarder!

 Thank you so much Isabella!  She also has a most wonderful blog about extant clothing...All The Pretty Dresses!  I had the pleasure of meeting Isabella twice...once at Kat's Victorian Garden Party and the next time at The Steampunk World's Fair!  She makes some incredible outfits!  Thank you again!

B.  Now I get to give this award to 10 other blogs!
 This makes me so excited because I follow some pretty awesome ones!

Josie is a fabulous seamstress and a wonderful costumer!  And she is brilliant when it comes to making corsets!  She has inspired me to make many of mine!

It is so great to watch the outfits and accessories Kat comes up with!  She is a great inspiration when it comes to Regency era and Revolutionary outfits!

It is so impressive to see what Anneliese does with prom dresses...she has a wonderful way of taking them and creating something awesome!  She is also a great milliner!

Eleanor Amalia has made some truly wonderful Victorian, Edwardian and even older eras outfits!  It is a joy to see the new creations that she comes up with!  

Ms. Nelly makes wonderful costumes from many different eras...she also does a lot of wonderful research on extant dresses, paintings and tv shows!

This is my favorite blog about vintage costuming.  Lily makes some very fabulous vintage costumes and looks like the perfect 1940s/1950s lady!  Love to see all the new things she comes up with!

More wonderful costumes from so many different eras.  The first dress I saw of  Mary's was her mourning dress...I was a fan instantly!

My favorite place for Regency Era dress inspiration!  The first thing I saw from Nora was her reproduction of the Museum of London 1820s pelisse!  Le Swoon!!!

Fobmroweczka makes some wonderful outfits from many eras...she also does hairstyle research and shows you how to do those hairstyles!  Too bad I cut my hair!

From dyeing to block stamping and painting, Chelsea does it all.  Her costumes are fabulous and she has a Year of Foundations Sew-a-long!!

C.  Ask questions of your recipients!  
Ok...well, instead of the 10 questions, how about you just write about a couple of things

1.  Who/what is your source of inspiration for your costuming?
2.  Why do you or what caused you to get started costuming?
3.  What is your favorite part about costuming?  Research?  Sewing?  Creating?  Wearing your outfit?
4.  What is your ultimat goal in costuming?  To get better at sewing?  To visit a fabulous place and have tea or get your picture taken?

D.  Answer the question asked to you.

Blogging....why did I get started?  Well, I got started to make a virtual journal of the things I have made.  I hate writing as my hand cramps, so typing is so much easire.  I like to write down how I made an object in case I have to make something similar in the future.  I am very much a do-it-yourself girl and have to figure out how to do a lot of things sometimes.  If I come up with it for myself, I figure that someone may want to know the same thing and I like to share that knowledge!  Another reason for my blogging is so that I can look back on my year and say, "Hey!  I actually did some sewing!"
Downsides to blogging...hmmmmm...well, I would say keeping up with it!  It takes a lot of time to blog from sizing pictures to the actual writing.  Sometimes my brain just doesn't want to cooperate with the writing part and that can be frustrating!  I don't think I'd do anything different though!
Good question Isabella!!
Thank you again!

Now I am off to award my awardees!

Be Blessed!


  1. Thanks Gina! That's really nice! I've never that an English-languaged liebster before! ;)

    1. You are most welcome Eleonora!!


  2. Wowie, Gina, thank you for thinking of me!! This is my first blog award and I'm so honored that it came from you! And I totally agree with typing being easier than handwriting - I'm so happy that you share your lovely creations with the blogging world! Thanks for all of the encouragement & inspiration, Anneliese :)

    1. Hi Anneliese!

      Well, you were the first person I thought of when I got my award! You are so talented and I wanted you to be acknowledged!! I look forward to many more creations by you!

