Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Elizabeth Bennet's Wedding Trousseau: The Bonnet Step 1

I am currently in a holding pattern concerning Rose DeWitt Bukater boarding suit since I am waiting on more soutache to come...who would have known I needed more than 47 yards of soutache?  So, while I wait, I thought I woud start on Elizabeth Bennet's wedding bonnet.

This year is the 200th anniversary of Pride and Prejudice.  I figured that because I have LOVED Lizzy's wedding outfit ever since I stayed up until 5 in the morning watching the fabulous 1995 movie with one of my best friends, Kay Dyer, this outfit would be the perfect one to make for the anniversary.  Oh, there are so many of her outfits that I adore, but I particulary am in love with this bonnet, so this is the outfit I have decided to make.  Below are some great screen caps from Longbourn: Jane Austen screencaps that show wonderful detail of Lizzy's bonnet.  Louise Macdonald Millinery, the lady who made many of the fabulous bonnets for the show also has two views of the bonnet.  And Podheim blogspot has some awesome pictures of Lizzy's dress and a picture of her bonnet now.  It is very sad that it has yellowed so badly.  But it does show a picture of the crown tip which really helped in knowing how to make the bonnet.

The underbrim of the bonnet has some very lovely lace.

Nice closeup of the brim.  See how the lace is on the under side and not on top!

This image shows how the crown is canted...nice to know!

Yesterday, I finished the wire frame.  Now to add the tulle!

A happiness!  Silk tulle!!

The original bonnet was made of silk tulle.  Looking online, I just about swallowed my tongue when I discovered the cheapest I could was $57.00 a yard?  Holy Monkey....So, I had resigned myself to the fact that my bonnet would be made of regular tulle.  No big deal!  Then in early March when I was in Spokane with my Mom, we discovered a small specialty fabric store.  Low and behold, they had silk tulle...for $22.00 a yard!!  Laaaaaaa!!!  THEN, there was a weird little flaw in along the selvage edge and the lady discounted it for me!!  Huzzah!!  So, I got 2 yards...should have bought the whole bolt, but the antique shopping hadn't begun yet.

I can't wait to get started on covering my bonnet!  I think I have some antique lace that I can use for the underbrim and there is a place that I am thinking about getting reproduced orange blossoms from!  We shall see!!

Be blessed!!



  1. Yes, you should have bought that bolt!
    Your frame looks amazing. :-)

    1. Ha!! I know! I am kicking myself! But I do have the business card of the place! Thank you so much!!!


  2. I suppose its too late to share this, but for future reference...http://www.thaisilks.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=silk+tulle

    1. Ohmygoodness! Thank you so much! Too late for this hat, but yes, in the future I will be using this site!!

