Friday, March 21, 2014

Ruth DWB Boarding Suit Progress

(Deep breath...deeeeeeep breath)  Hello there lovely readers!  I have a progress report on my RDWB boarding suit.  You know, one day I am going to say, "I hope that 100 things go wrong on this dress!"  Because maybe then NOTHING will go wrong on a dress!  hahahahahahahaha!!!  It has taken quite a bit to be able to show you this progress.  Wednesday I spent all day (8 hours) sewing the straight, outline lines of soutache onto the coat.  I got them all done in a time that took forever and discovered that there were puckers and buckles along the soutache and on the wool.  It was then that I realized that wool does not take kindly to pulling and tugging.  So, this is my warning to anyone who will work with wool in the future....DO NOT PULL OR TUG ON WOOL!!!  IT WILL THROW A FIT!!!  I decided, in my deluded, lazy mind that I could get away with just laying the soutache on the wool with out hand tacking it down first if I sewed really slowly.  WRONG!!!  After going to bed and trying to talk my OCD mind into going to sleep and failing miserably, I got back out of bed and ripped out stitched soutache until 2 in the morning.  I then woke up on Thursday and after getting everyone off to their respective schools/work, set about ripping out the rest of the soutache.  GAAAAAA!!!!!  

Well, I have since hand tacked all of the outline lines then machine stitched them down and have started on the squiggles.  My fingers hate me.

Front panel of squiggles

The front squiggles I was able to machine stitch after hand tacking them down.  There was minimum warping that I was able to remove with ironing!! 

The back is looking pretty good!
While I was able to machine stitch the front squiggles, I am having to hand sew the back squiggles down.  There was too much warping going on when I used the sewing machine!

More squiggles to come!

Be Blessed my lovely friends!



  1. Stunning work! Sorry to hear that it brought frustration with it. Soutache can be tricky stuff.


    1. Thank you Quinn! I just have to keep in mind that soutache is quite tricky! Maybe I should make that into a T-shirt! hahahaha!!


  2. I hate it when stuff like that happens! GRRR! But I'm glad you found a way to make it work. It looks AMAZING already!!!

    1. Me too Kat! But it is behaving itself with the kid glove treatment! Thank you!


  3. Wunderful! I'm looking forward to the first picture of you as Ruth.

    1. Thank you Thalia! I am too! Because that will mean I am done with this project!!!


  4. Gosh, this is going to look fabulous!

  5. This is looking soooooo amazing! I love all these progress reports. :-)

    I hope you run into minimal other issues! ;-)

    1. Hi Lily!
      Thank you so much...the progress is rather slow, but I think will be worth it! I hope! And thank you for the kind wish of minimal issues! I will take that wish!!!

