Monday, November 25, 2013

The Phantom of the Opera Visits The HasBrouck House!!!

This past weekend, The HasBrouck House hosted a very fabulous and successful fund raising event for Hands of Hope, a most wonderful medical equipment sending-to-places-in-need charity.  The theme of the evening was The Phantom of the Opera.  I have deliberately chosen the 2004 film version of The Phantom as I have not seen the play as of yet and utterly adore the costuming in the movie!!  (want to make all of the delicious masquerade costumes!!  Le Sigh!!!)

Songs and scenes from the play were chosen to re-enact for the delight of the guests and let me please just say that these young people who acted the part were beyond good.  More like goose bump inducing, awe inspiring, voices of angels fabulous!  The voices and talent these people have is truly a gift from God!  I was blessed to be a part of the evening!!

This is going to be a very long post as I want to post as many images as I can!  I do apologize.  For more pictures of the evening, please look:

Part of the cast.

Aubrielle Holly as Christine
Obadiah Neasham as The Phantom

Andy Zane as Raoul
David as Sword Fighting Raoul

Sandra Shreffler as La Carlotta
Reuben Santisteven as Maestro

Ken and Chick as the new Paris Opera owners
Autumn Tustin as Meg Giry

Me as Madame Giry

I got to revive my 1886 Mourning Gown for the role...I even had a line!  Ha!!!
"Christine Daee can sing it Monsieur!  She has been learning from a great teacher!"  Said in a very sad French accent....But I delivered it in a clear voice with no trembling and most importantly...I remembered it!  hahahahahaha!!!  It was fun as I am usually in the wings of a play making sure costumes are on properly, bow ties are straight, petticoats are not showing and hair is nicely coiffed!

Speaking of hair, I was rather pleased with how mine turned out.  After watching the movie again, I saw how Madame Giry liked braids.  My hair was not long enough to have a single long braided plait down the side of my head, but that's ok...maybe in a year I'll have long enough hair!

I also got to wear my Demeter goddess of the Harvest masquerade dress again.  I even went to Sally salon store and purchased some gold eyeshadow that when wet becomes a lovely cream.  I used the on my eyelids and then basically all over my face to give the illusion of being a goddess!  I also spray painted my wheat circlet gold....

The mask was a happy find at Hobby Lobby!  I sooooo did not have the time or inlking to make a new one so this one came to the rescue!  Gold spray paint was used to carry on the gold look.

This was a fun shot.  Madame Giry defending Christine from The Phantom....I wonder if she was just tired of his lurking?

Demeter and Persephone.  Mom hadn't worn this dress in years and it looked so fabulous on her!  It is even the color of pomegranates!

Another picture of Mama.  She looked so elegant in her opera gown!

I love this picture!  She looks like one of those gorgeous actresses from the Edwardian era!

Below are some of the really lovely decorations that carried on the Phantom theme of the evening! There was so much attention to detail for this evening!

This was such a wonderfully fun evening!  I so cannot wait for the next event at The HasBrouck House!




  1. The Phantom is my favorite musical. I wasn't a huge fan of the movie, but the stage version is marvelous!!! And the music, of course, is awe inspiring. You all looked great!


    1. Hi Quinn!

      I will have to watch the stage version. I have the one from Royal Albert Hall saved in my Netflix list and can't wait to watch it! It would be fun to see a play in person though. I agree with you that the music is very awe inspiring! Thank you for your compliment!! It was a fun evening!


    2. The Royal Albert Hall version is AMAZING. Way way way better than the movie in my, um, humble opinion. ;)

    3. Well, now I am really going to have to watch it cause I thought the movie was fabulous! Mmmmm....I am so excited!

  2. This looks so fun, I love all the costumes, especially Meg's dress! I really want my own one of that!

    I love your hairdo! Is that all your natural hair or is there a hair piece in there?

    1. Hi Laura!

      It was seriously fun that evening! I made Meg's dress years ago when I was part of a Carnivale Masquerade Event! It is a very simple outfit to make. The top is just a ball gown bodice that I made to lace up. For the butterfly, I used buckram and wire to make the outline and then painted the wings and blued on the cryatals. The underskirt is a simple elastic waist with lots of tulle sewn on to it. For the petals, I just hand drew three differnt sizes that I thought would look and then made them out of fabric and sewed them onto a ribbon waist band!

      My hair is actually all mine in the picture where I am facing backwards and it is braided. For the goddess dress, it is also mine, but I wanted a lot of hair, so I used a hairpiece that I fashioned using my own hair!

      Thank you for your lovely compliments!


  3. You look so beautiful! Everything, every detail of all costumes and interior design are so elegant :)

    1. Thank you for your wonderful compliments Swieza Zona! The evening was full of elegance! :-)


  4. If I may, the whole production seems marvelous, but you looked absolutely the best! The dress, the hair! I could totally believe you to be the elegant, strict, yet kindhearted Madame Giry! You continue to be a great inspiration, I'm so happy that I found your blog:-)

    1. Oh! Thank you so very much Rosa! It was fun to actually play a part and have a line and not just walk around as I usually do! And after watching Madame Giry in the movie, I really grew to like her character! It was like she was the voice of reason....

      Thank you for your most lovely compliments! I am happy you found your way here as well!

      Be Blessed!

  5. Dear Gina,
    Phantom of the Opera - what a great fundraising theme. Ooh, those costumes, the gold, Meg's dress, looks like so much fun. And your mourning dress and hair, so gorgeous, you make the perfect Madame Giry! Aah, your masquerade Demeter dress is just beautiful! You look like the goddess herself. And those decorations, they just thought of everything. Love the fencing picture, too (Being on stage must have been fun :)
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Anneliese :)

    1. Hello Anneliese!

      I totally agree with you about TPotO being a great fundraising theme! It went along perfectly with the Hands of Hope organization...showing compassion. Which is why I loved playing Madame Giry! Thank you for your wonderful compliments on my costumes! It had been a while since I had worn them and it was a real treat to put them back on! And with all the make up and my hair cooperating, I felt a bit goddess like as well! ;-) The decor was FABULOUS!!!! It was so neat to just be in the house!!!

      I hope you too have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving!


  6. It looks as though you all had a great time. I just love your hair - oh to be able to grow mine that long! And your Demeter costume is beautiful.

    1. Hello Black Tulip!

      Yes, I believe we all had a very wonderful time! But then again, who can't have a good time whilst dressed up? ;-) Thank you for the lovely compliment on my hair. It grows very, very fast, so I cannot ever keep a cute short hairstyle as I would have to be in the salon every 2.5 weeks! I also truly enjoyed being Demeter for two evenings! Thank you again!

