Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Time in the Domestic Service!!!

I need to pause a moment in the introduction of my ancestors to share with you what I did this past Friday!  There is a most fabulous house in Nampa, Idaho that has opened its doors to some really spectacular events.  The HasBrouck House has hosted a "Last Dinner on the Titanic" charity event and has plans to host a "Phantom of the Opera" event.  I cannot wait to be a part of this marvelous piece of Idaho history!  Friday, I had the wonderful opportunity to educate some fine ladies about the layers of underwear that ladies wore under their Victorian and 1912 clothing!  A Birthday tea was hosted for a lovely lady and I decided to dress up as a Lady's Maid and dress two beautiful ladies, Marilyn Holly and her daughter, Aubrielle.

I usually dress myself during these "shows", but this time, I thought it would be fun to become a member of The Domestic Service.  And it worked!  Many of the ladies in attendance commented on how I looked like I had just stepped off the set of Downton Abbey!  What a wonderful compliment!

My sister took a photograph that Aubrielle shot of me and edited it!  I loooove this image!!!

Standing in front of an original fire place at The HasBrouck House.  This house has wonderful architectural elements!

This is Darryl, the butler/server.  He looked so sharp and even wore white gloves while serving the tea!

This is us being serious!  Hahahaha!!  I look drugged.....

This is another fun shot.  I wanted to look like we were on the front steps awaiting our Master and Mistress' return!  I think it looks great!

This house is so marvelous.....

Attending to My Lady's needs...seeing that she is fit to be seen at dinner!

Aubrielle is so sweet and beautiful!  She loves dressing up!

On no!  My Lady's shoe has come undone!  Don't want her tripping!

Marilyn is so beautiful both inside and out....It is a treat just being around her!

For this event, I made a maid's cap.  Just a circle of buckram and wire covered with muslin and antique lace!

The back even has a little velvet bow!

This was such a fun day!  I can't wait to wear my maid's costume again!!


  1. You looked fabulous! I love they way you posed for the pictures. You look so authentic! Great job!

    1. Thank you so much Valerie! I had studied some of the Maid pictures that were on the web before going to the event so I could get some good pictures myself! It was fun!!

      Be Blessed!!


  2. Great idea for the maid's cap. When I get my Edwardian maid outfit done for my tea parties, I need one of those.

    1. Thank you Val! When I get around to it I will take some pictures of the inside so you can see the wiring. I needed the wire frame so that the cotton wouldn't "fall down" into the buckram circlet...

      Be Blessed!


  3. It is a wonderful post to read. I have not done much in the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the pictures of the costumes made me want to do some. What a lovely Edwardian hat!

    1. Hi Antoinette!

      I am so happy that the pictures in this post encouraged you to do these eras! Thank you for your compliment on the Edwardian hat...the straw was originally from two different smaller hats that I sewed together to get the wide brimmed Edwardian!



  4. Love it! The pictures all came out spectacularly and it's such a treat to see the servants in the house. :) You look spot on.


    1. Oh thank you so much Quinn! It was fun to dress the part of the servant! It was a whole different feeling, being dressed thusly!



  5. Really glad you found my blog because this way I got to find yours! Still haven't checked out all of your works, but the ones I've seen amazed me, and this one as well! Lovely!

    1. Hello Eleonora Amalia!

      Oh how fun to see you here! I think it will be fun to get to know each other and our work! I look forward to seeing your future creations!



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