Thursday, August 1, 2013

Damask Rose 1863 Dress: Planning Stage 2

Greek Keys.  I don't know what it is about them.  All I know is that I really, really, REALLY like them.  Like them a lot.  So, I am toying with the thought of adding them to my 
Damask Rose Dress.  I have contacted a source on etsy who sells silk ribbon and they have 1/2 wide ivory ribbon! They are sending me a sample and if it is that nice mellow, antique shade of white that my laces and the whites on my flowers are, I will seriously consider purchasing some for Greek Keys on my skirt and sleeve cuffs.  If it does not match to my crazed OCCD mind, then that will make up my mind as to whether or not I will be sewing yards and yards and yards of ribbon to the hem of my skirt!!

This dress was sort of what caused me to think about Greek Keys for this dress from the Met.  It is a very lovely shade of salmon pink a few shades darker than my fabric.  Of course my Keys will be ivory/white and these are black...still a very striking contrast....

A fine example of Greek Keys on a plaid dress from The Barrington House.  My fabric is window pane, very much like plaid and so thought it offered a great example for what I am wanting to achieve.

I love the double Greek Key design on this dress from The Smithsonian, however, my Greek Keys will only be single!

I found many examples of Greek Keys on fashion plates.  This one is from Pinterest and of course has no Title or source....

Another no source...

Le Petit Messager, November 1862

I am really hoping that the silk ribbon is a fabulous match.  I like the idea of the Greek Keys in the soft white being there but not being there if you catch my meaning....

Have a great Thursday!!

Oh!!  I forgot to add these images!!!

I was playing around with ribbon that I had in my stash.  Here is 1/2" ribbon Greek Keys...yes, the ribbon in pink, but I just wanted to see what the 1/2 looked like.  I like this very much.

White 1" ribbon.  Don't like the wider ribbon very much and the stark, bleached white of this ribbon is just too much of a difference for my taste...


  1. I love greek key trim! I did a silk dress with it, lavender with red. Lovely!

    1. Ooooh! That sounds delightful Miss K! Where do you keep pictures of this fabulous sounding creation?

  2. HI, just found your blog and already eagerly awaiting more posts:-) i'm just getting interested in using velvet ribbon and trimmings like soutache so your information is very very helpful!!


    1. Hello Allison!

      I am so happy you found your way here! I am so happy that the things I have done are a help to you! I would love to see your work! Do you have a blog? I shall have to go and check!


