Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sewing Binge and Prep for Costume College Has Come To a Screeching Holt!!!

So....I was minding my own business this morning, had the laundry folded, did my stretches and back exercises (I am under the care of a fabulous chiropractor with the Maximized Living team of chiropractors), finished my coffee and was heading up the stairs when it happened....BAM!!!!! My back once again went out on me.  This has been happening yearly for the past 22 years.  This year however it was about 3 months late in happening.  I attribute that fact to Dr. Baker.  I began seeing him for the injury in my lower back that I got in my Junior year of High School while I was in the ready position for Volleyball.  I just rotated my upper body to the right and that movement right there was what started the whole thing.  For 22 years I have battled this injury.  Come to find out via X-rays taken at Dr. B's office, my pelvis is tilted and the tendons and muscles have been seriously put out since that one time in High School.  But hopefully through prayer, the adjustments at the PreHab office, ice, stretching and rest, my back will heal!!

Since the sewing binge has ended for now, I have decided to go ahead and share what I have completed so far on the tealy/green military dress.  I need to take more pictures of what I got accomplished this a.m. before the pain set in, but I can barely walk let alone take a those will have to appear at a later date.   

I went on line and discovered how to make frog knots!  I think I made about a bazillion of these and I am so sick of soutache I could puke!!  I purchased over 50 yards of the stuff!  

The faux vest is on and ALL the knots and soutache added to the bodice...

This part of the shoulder will have to be totally worked on.  It is super puckery and ugly.  I hope the addition of the collar and sleeves cause it to lay flat.

Overskirt with soutache buttons...

Underskirt with miles and miles of soutache.  This part took FOREVER to sew on!

I am particularly fond of the soutache frogs at the point of the overskirt!  Don't know why, it just makes me happy!!

I have added the row of large pleats at the bottom of the skirt and finished the back bustling to the overskirt.  Just need to take pictures!!


  1. I'm so sorry about your back ): I really do hope you feel better soon! And you dress looks great, the emerald and black is such a striking combination, and your soutache looks so straight! Bravo!

    1. Thank you so much Gabriela! I too hope I feel better soon!!! Thank you for the wonderful compliment on the soutache!!

  2. I'm sorry about your back! My Mom and I have both had trouble with ours and know it's no fun! I'll remember you in prayers and am hoping you'll feel better soon. Your dress looks stunning by the way. I'm really impressed with the detail you put into it! I have come to expect no less from your creations but it still floors me non the less. What kind of shoes are you going to wear with the dress?

    1. I appreciate your prayers Valerie! I will keep you and your Mom in my prayers as well! Thank you for your wonderful compliment on the dress! I am really liking it! I plan on wearing a pair of soft leather boots with it...I think they will be perfect for the military look of the dress!

  3. I really hope you get better quick and you can finish this fabulous dress so I can see it.

    1. Oh me too Val, me too! I just do not have any time in my schedule for something like this!!! ;-)

  4. I am supposed to be the one who falls apart...praying for a miracle, some time with my best friend and the chance to see this dress in person. Love to you!

    1. Well, I guess this time it's my turn to fall apart!! I'm giving you a break! hahahaha!!! Thank you for praying my Josie...We need our Thelma and Louise!!! Love you!

  5. Oh, no, I'm so sorry about your back! I'll be praying for you. I've gone to a chiropractor for about 2 years because of bad neck posture that triggers headaches, and it's now mostly good; but I know how things can end up crooked and just can't fix themselves. Will you recover in time to finish this dress? Which look absolutely AMAZING. I totally understand being sick of it, but the results look just right!

    1. Oh back pain is bad too! I had no curvature in mine when I started seeing Dr. Baker and now the migraines are gone and I can look side to side!! I'll be praying for your neck and headaches to be gone!!! I hope that I will be able to finish the dress before I leave for Coco....if not, I'll just have to wear it to an event here!! Thank you for your wonderful compliment!!
