Monday, July 22, 2013

Happiness Comes in the Form of a Small Package from Texas!!

Allow me a loud "Squee" if you will?  Today the mailman brought to my door a package from my fabulous friend Josie.  In it, besides my dress that I loaned her, was a small ziplock bag inside a sweet card.  Inside said ziplock bag was this most delicious antique lace collar that she found for me at a drool worthy antique store in Midland, TX called "The Cat's Meow".  IT IS SOOOOO UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY PERFECT!!!  Le Swoon!!!

Here is is placed over Emma III...isn't it just perfect?  Laaaaaa!!!!

I have laid it on top of my antique silk mourning veil....they are a match made in heaven!!

Close up of the lace...not sure what kind it is...all I know is that is is FABULOUS!!!

Thank you Josie!!  You so totally ROCK!!!!!  (Now to find a way to get to Midland, TX.....)