Sunday, June 23, 2013

Corded Stays...Yes, We Have Completion!!!

Glory Be!!  They are finished!  I had decided on Friday to put these unfinished things away for the weekend...but today the call of them was too strong.  It started on the drive to church, this call.  It was silent at first, but by the time worship was over, it was screeching in my ears.  So....fine.  When we got home, and I got everyone settled, I set about finishing them.  And YEAH!!  They are done done done!!  And a bonus...can be entered into the Historical Sew Fortnightly hosted by the Dreamstress.

Here is my silly self wearing them.  And the older I get the more pronounced the divot in the middle of my forehead gets....grrrrrr....and the suntan/burn that I have going on at present isn't helping much either!  ACK!!!  

Oh well...this is how I look in stays.  Not too shabby!!

When I tried them on yesterday (after I had bound the top and bottom) I discovered that the arm pit area was way too high.  So today I had the pleasure of removing the upper binding and cutting the dip a bit deeper.  It fits and feels oh so much better!  

I look like I'm a soldier in undies standing at attention.  I promise you that I was very relaxed in this picture!  hahahahahaha!!!  Oh my goodness.  You can see my Regency bosom shelf....Yeah!!  Not a lot, but it is there!

Oh fun!  In this picture there seems to be a bit of nipping in at the waist! What a happiness!

I was trying to get a closeup of the stays so ALL of my work on the cording channels could be seen.  White has the same problem as black when being photographed.  It doesn't like to be the center of attention and behaves badly!  Oh well!

Challenge #13:  Lace and Lacings

Fabrics:  Cotton and Linen

Pattern:  Past Patterns 001 1820-1840 stays

Year:  1820-1840

Notions:  Steel boning, jute, white embroidery floss

How Historically Accurate Is It?:  Not too awfully sure...I did copy the pattern pretty closely which was taken from an extant garment.  The steel stays are not HA, but I need the support!  :-)

Hours To Complete:  55 or more....ACK!!!

First Worn:  Not yet

Total Cost:  Not sure....under $30.00 


  1. Looks very nicely done. I love mine but never have anyone around that can get me in mine. I gave up and made a bodiced petticoat which still needs help tightening but at least I can get in it.
    I had my hubby sign my wood busk and then I used a wood burning tool to put it on permanently. I read that fiances used to inscribe loving thoughts on them and give them to their bride to be as an engagement gift. I thought that was so sweet.

    1. Oh Val! What a neat thing to do! I may have to have Greg write something on mine now! And I agree with you...that is a very sweet thing the finaces did for their loves!! Thank you!

  2. Perfect! Don't you just love those wonderful, sweet, little voices?

    1. Thank you Valerie and yes, I do love those sweet little voices!
