Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Regency/Romantic Era Chemise

One of the events I plan on attending this year (I better, I am the hostess) is a Lewis and Clark Picnic.  Why Lewis and Clark you ask?  Well, because in 1805 Lewis and Clark came through Idaho with the Corps of Discovery.  It is my goal with our group "We Wear History", to keep things Idaho centered.  Thus being the case, since Jane Austen did not set foot in Idaho, I don't think it appropriate to have a picnic with the label "Jane Austen picnic"...not that I have anything against Miss Austen.  After all she brought us such lovely heroines as Lizzie Bennet, Miss Woodhouse, Fanny Price, Miss Elliot, The Dashwood Sisters, and Miss Morland.  And let us not forget the heroes that she has allowed for the film industry to bring to life in glaringly, drool worthy splendor!!!  Hello Captain Wentworth!!!  How do you do Mr. Darcy!!!  Pleased to make your acquaintance, Colonel Brandon...I could go on, but I am using my husband's laptop and I do not think he would appreciate my drool on his keyboard.  

Right then...back to the Lewis and Clark Picnic.  A Regency era dress would not look correct unless I had some era correct undies right?  Oh darn it.  I have to make new underwear.  I am so upset!!!  Whatever will I do!?  Start by making a chemise, that's what I shall do!!!

Enter Simplicity 4052.  It was actually quite fast and easy.  Except for the evil gussets that are an essential part of this pattern.  But they were conquered and made to obey. 

I used a very inexpensive muslin from JoAnn's.  It was their $2.99 muslin and I had a 50% off coupon!!  Whoot!  I chose the cheaper muslin as I wanted it to be sort of thin and soft.  Mission accomplished!!

Close up of neckline.  I had followed the directions on the pattern and used bias tape (home made) for the edging.  In my opinion it was too thick and bulky, so I ripped it out and just hemmed the edge.  I zig zagged the raw edge so there would be no unraveling....

Laaaaaaa!!!  I did something today that I have never done!  I made two hand sewn eyelets!  I was very excited about this and think they turned out wonderfully!!!

I also played around with the twill, linen and hemp cording that I will be using for my corded stays.  I am so stoked about how not so hard it was and how cute they turned out!!!  Bring on the corded stays!!!

Well, actually tomorrow I will be starting on the short stays from Simplicity 4052...we'll see if tomorrow was as fruitful as today!

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