Friday, April 12, 2013

A Victorian Smoking Coat....98.7% Complete!!!

Ah my fabulous Husband.  He so totally rocks!  I love that he is so willing to put up with my crazy costuming passion.  He lets me dress him up in all sorts of Victorian/Edwardian/1920s era outfits and actually enjoys it! He also really enjoys smoking cigars and drinking single or double malt whiskey.  I think that's how you say that.  I don't know.  I like champagne.  Anyhoo, I thought that perhaps he would like a Victorian smoking jacket or coat to wear while he is partaking of the other time-ly Gentleman's act of relaxation.  I did lots of research into Victorian/Edwardian smoking jackets as I sooooo did not want my sweet honey to look like Hugh Hefner.

I found so many that were utterly fabulous, that I think after making this one, I will make him a few more of different colors and shapes!  

He didn't want his coat to look like a robe, so I adjusted the pattern below and made it less robe looking for his taste....

Very easy pattern to construct.

Here it is on my Emma....She is much smaller than Greg, but you can see the general idea.

I am really liking the color combination.  Very elegant looking....can you use elegant with a man?  I don't know...let's  tailored?  cool?  suave?  debonair?  handsome?

Sharp it is.

Instead of a sash, as Greg thought it made the coat look too much like a robe, I am opting for frogs.  I found these fabulous ones on ebay.  They are not too small and not too large.  Can't wait to get them home and sewn on to the coat!  

After I get the coat 100% complete, I'll bribe Greg into putting all of everything on and take a picture of his sharp self!  hhhmmmm....I may have to purchase a nice cigar as bribery material!  hahaha!!!

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