Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Museum Comes To Life 2012

My Favorite Pictures of the Day!

My Men and I!

All of us....Mama, Colton, my good friend Tammy, my honey Greg, Moi, Cody...

Oh do my men look handsome!

My silly Mama

This might be my Christmas card...

the Famous Potato Truck made an appearance!

Cody was such a gentleman.  He escorted my Mama around the whole day!  What a fine young man!

My dashing husband and I

Colton had a great time too.  He kept saying he needed some newspapers.

He can be such a stinker..

The rest of my pictures of the day can be found here...


  1. Fabulous fun! I love the sepia toned photo of your group.

  2. Thank you Isobelle!!

    It was fabulous fun Jennifer!! I so enjoyed the day!!! Thank you!
