Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Wire Hatting We Will Go!!!

Mmmmmm.....I love hats.  But I guess anyone who knows me knows that about me!!  And whenever I get the chance to create a hat, I hop on it like a tick on a deer....Wow.  I think I have been spending too much time watching old movies.  
Anyhoo, I started Mama's wire frame hat the other night and got the frame completed.  Just have to decorate it now.  That is the absolute best, and sometimes most vexing part.  Below are some examples of what I am patterning the hat after...

Delineator fashion plate that I am copying the dress after.  The hat will, hopefully, look  much like this one....

Lovely hat from the MET

Another Delineator hat


Horrible picture of the wire frame.

This shows all the wire circles and not so lovely stitching that attaches the pieces together.  Thank God that that will be covered!!!  Next stop?  Decor Depot!  I think I need to go to bed now....night all!!!

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