Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What Do You Do When You Don't Have Enough Hair?

And you don't want to wear a wig?  And you have hair that Locks of Love wouldn't take because it was too short?  Well, you do what I found on facebook one day.  You make your own chignon!  I tried it and low and behold...it totally worked!!!  I was so ecstatic when I got it completed.  After 4 hours of sewing VERY slick hair onto tulle, I shouted for joy and my 14 year old came running.  I showed him what I accomplished and he said (with all the enthusiasm a 14 year old can muster upon looking at something that appears to be a dead critter mounded together on netting), "Moooom....what is that?"  I told him with great excitement that it was an Edwardian chignon.  He raised his eyebrows in that adorable way he does when in his mind he is thinking that his mother has lost hers, shrugged his shoulders, muttered, "Ooooooo-k." And returned to his school work.  Well, I thought it was cool!!!  

Here is the link for the facebook page I found this wonderful creation on.

What a genius Miss Benson is!!!

My hair made into a chignon!!!

Since my hair isn't long enough to just pull straight back, I opted to twist the sides...

And just swept up the ends into a flattish knot in the back.

I have some wonderful vintage and reproduction hair pins that I employed to anchor the chignon to my head

Hair piece in action!!  It stayed put, matched my hair, because it was...er....my hair, and was so fun to wear!!!

Hair pins I used.  They belonged to my Great Grandma Cornelia Rotramel Walters!!!

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