Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Regency Now? Boy I am all over the map!

Ok, so now it is Regency.  I have been either sick to my tummy or having issues with my back, so I have been lying down quite a bit here lately!  And as I have been in repose, I have been spending quite a bit of time doing research.  And playing around on Pinterest.  And looking at lovely dresses from years ago.  I can't even remember what got me started on Regancy....
No, wait.  Yes, I do.  
I purchased one of those lovely HUGE file cabinets from a thrift store last week.  You know, the kind that has 4 super wide, super deep drawers?  Ya, well, I got it to organize all of my patterns, because to my way of thinking, if I organized them, then my house Brownie would quit stealing my patterns and causing me to believe I have early onset Alzheimer's.  In categorizing my patterns, I ran across my Regency Era patterns and my brain started buzzing with costuming insanity again.  I was too tired to quiet the buzzing down, so I let my brain just run with it.  This is what I came up with!

I adore this outfit.  The monochromatic scheme, the hat!!!  The gargantuan muffler.  The trim on the bottom of the skirt.  So fun!  Except mine will be in shades of Teal!!! 

And look at this sleeve!  The bottom one, which of course is in teal!  I can't remember which book I got this image from...I took the picture while at a friends house...

My fabrics.  The teal velvet and lighter teal dupioni!  

This is going to be a fun outfit to make.  Now I just need to come up with an event to wear it to!

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