Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Pretty New Combinations!

Combinations with Insertion Lace Detail!  So fun and easy to do!

Yes...they button up the back.  I did find one example of extant back buttoning combinations.  Good thing to, otherwise I would have had to redesign these and I soooo did not wish to!

Yeah!!  I have finally finished my Edwardian combinations!  I haven't tried them on yet...kind of afraid to....but Emma is wearing them and they look really wonderful on her!!  


  1. hello! I found your blog when I was doing research for my Edwardian underpinnings (and of course I followed your blog as soon as I found it due to your happy and energetic writing style and lovely creations :D), and I couldn't help but notice all the lace on your underthings. I've been on a hunt for suitable lace in large quantities and have been unable to find any, so I wanted to ask where you found your lace trims. Beautiful combinations btw!! I can only hope mine will turn out that well! ;)

    1. Hello Theresa!

      Thank you for your wonderful compliments on my blog! I am a silly person in real life so I try to let that show through my writing!
      I find my laces in different places...my antique stores here in the valley where I live, online and at antique shows and flea markets. The lace on the bodice of the combinations was found at the Farm Chicks Antique Show in Spokane, Washington and the flounce around the legs was off an old petticoat that I purchased at a local antique store. I have a nice collection of lace that I just add to anytime I find some pretty stuff. That way when I have a project where I need lace, I have a stash to turn to. I hope this helps!

    2. Ah, that would make sense. Ive never been to antique shop or flea market but it sounds like I should :-) thank you!!

    3. I would highly suggest it. Many times, there are vendors at my antique stores who have loads and loads of fabulous antique lace! And other super fun things!!!
