Thursday, May 31, 2012

Farm Chicks Antique Show!!!

I am so excited!  This Saturday, my Mama and I are going to be attending the Farm Chicks Antique Show in Spokane, WA!!!  I have read about it for years and this year I AM GOING!!!!!  I can't wait!  I have always heard about the big, nationally recognized shows like this one in magazines, seen pictures on flickr, and read about them on blogs....I cannot stand how excited I am about this!  I hope to find lots of fun things to bring home that I can decorate hats, dresses, my house and garden with.  But, I think what I am excited about the most is just being able to see a "real" antique show....not the sad little thing that tries valiantly, but falls short of fabulous here at our fair grounds.  And I love going to Spokane anyway.  I have family there and I love visiting with them!


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