Monday, April 30, 2012

Sometimes My CDO Drives Me Over the Edge...

That's right.  I said "CDO". Why? you ask?  Because I have obsessive compulsive disorder and seeing OCD just drives me's out of alphabetic order!!!!  Anyway, as I said, my CDO drives me over the edge.  I had a perfectly good set of Edwardian Drawers and sweet camisole to wear under my new Edwardian Corset...but as you saw in a previous post, the colors didn't match up.  I had made my own flounce (one in which I was pretty proud of) but the cotton was a different color from the antique lace.  I just couldn't look at it with much joy in my heart.  What does one do when one doesn't look upon a project with much joy in one's heart?  One takes the whole thing apart and starts anew.  (DCO much?) This included taking out french seams and picking out zigzag stitches for over 4 hours!!!  See?  I need meds.  After I made a new pattern for the drawers (I have lost my pattern that I used for the original ones) I thought about drafting my own pattern for the top of the combinations.  Then I had another light bulb moment.  The bottom hem of the top of the dress of the Laughing Moon 1912 era dress would match PERFECTLY to the waist of the Past Patterns French Drawers!!!  hahahahahahaha!!  Oh I was drunk with euphoria!  I ADORE light bulb moments!  Mostly because they prevent me from expending lots of energy in fruitless pursuits!!

Top of combinations using Laughing Moon's Titanic Era dress pattern.  I did lengthen it 2.5" to my natural waist line and gave it a sweetheart-like neckline.

New drawers with antique flounce.  So much more happy with these!!!

Next up....insertion lace!!!  Huzzah!

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