Saturday, April 7, 2012

More Curtains? Why Yes.....

                                                                   NZ Museums

                                                                          etsy dress

Ha!! I found more silk curtains that are crying to be turned into a dress! Hahahahaha!!! This time they were found at a garage sale and came in the color of dark chocolate brown for $1.00 for the set!!! Huzzah!!! I think I might start being called Scarlet O'Hara!!! I can't wait to create something with these!! I have the hat, gloves, dead critter, and shoes already!


  1. Oh! I missed this one....gasping georgous-ness!
    Purple and brown? you like to say "shut the front door!"
    That olive dress have fantastic lines! Note to self, spend more time estate/garage shopping.

  2. Oh yes....Love me some brown!!! You know if you lived here we could shop together...
