Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Love My Antique Stores!

Mama and I went to two of our favorite antique stores yesterday...Antique World Mall in Boise ( ) , and Something Special in Meridian ( ) Oh they had so many things whispering sweet nothings in my ear that I could barely stand it!  I did decide to bring a few of these lovelies home to live with me.  The first lovely I spied was this sweet 1920s slip.  Alas it is not in my size. I almost gave way to a panic attack when it got stuck on my shoulders in the store, causing me to bring to my remembrance Lamaze breathing in an effort to calm down...Mom thought that was quite hilarious...hardy har har.  Anyway, I decided to get it anyway as it is a really great study piece.

It has a really pretty design in the fabric and the coolest gusset-y thing on the hips!  It is made of the softest cotton and I sure do wish it was my size.  Oh well, I'll just have to draft a pattern from it and make one in my size!

The next lovely that I found was this awesome Teddy or Combination.  IN MY SIZE!!!  Hahahahaha!!!  Yes, finally!

It is really wonderfully constructed and so pretty.

Very lovely hand stitched monogram, butterflies and flowers.

The closure at the crotch is done in a really neat-o way.  I really like the button hole flap.  Very ingenious!  The garment has been carefully mended and I can tell that whoever owned it in its original life, took great care of it.  What a wonderful piece of history!

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