Friday, March 16, 2012

Exploration Suit.....

I just love finding items that, at the time of purchase you don't think will go with anything, I am just purchasing it because it is totally rad! That is what happened last weekend in Spokane, WA while drooling in an antique store. I knew that I was going to be making an Exploration Suit (I already have my inspiration, pattern for the coat, and pith helmet), so I was looking for goggles to complete the look. I had in mind that I would also make a shirt and skirt for the outfit. Well, as funness would have it, I found a most fabulous antique skirt in black made of the finest wool. I believe the sheep that this wool was taken from were anorexic super model sheep. This wool is so light and fine it makes one weep!!! It has neat-o stripes of satin (not the super slick Satan satin that abounds today, but the fabulous satin that was used decades ago) adorning the lower half of the skirt. Somewhere along the line, a previous owner got it into her skull to inflict the skirt with the addition of elastic and velcro! ACK!!!! (When I got the skirt home, I lovingly performed emergency surgery and removed the offending additions at once!)

Upstairs, Emma in currently wearing this black skirt, white blouse, attached collar and black puff tie. I love it when my brain remembers things hanging in my closet that I have forgotten all about! What is even more exciting to me is the very fact that I do not have to make a skirt or a shirt!! Huzzah! All I have to actually sew for this outfit, is the coat! Ha! I don't even have to make a hat!


  1. These are going to be some much fun! Huzzah for intrepid women!

  2. It's a beautiful skirt! You lucky girl! I laughed when you said how you performed emergency surgery to remove the offending modern notions. Good girl!

  3. Thank you!!! I was so happy to find it and in such great shape AND in my size!!! And yes, the modern notions were quite offensive!
