Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Adjusting the Color of a Flower...

No, you can't use your TV remote. But, it is almost as simple! The poppies on Ruth's hat have a blackish center, but the poppies I found (at JoAnn Fabric Store...yeah!!!) were very yellow. Yes, I did try very hard to find the exact poppies and I did....lovely antique ones made of real silk with the black centers...all I needed was 10 dollars per flower....let's see, I have 7 flowers on the hat, so if I had purchased those poppies, I would have been out 70.00!! Seriously? I mean I like to use vintage pieces when I can, but that is a little, NO...a lot, ridiculous!!! So, after purchasing JoAnn's poppies at buy one get one half price, I went home and invaded my husband's paint stash....finding a can of black spray paint. I took apart the flowers and very lightly painted the stigma and style black (woot woot!! Science here!). Then I used my scrapbooking ink pad to color the center part of the petals. I discovered that if I turned the petals upside down and pressed it to the ink pad, the ink went on very nicely (I tried using a sponge to apply the ink, but it went on too lightly.) I then used the sponge to blend in the ink so it looked more "natural". After the ink and paint dried, I reassembled the flower! Voila!

More pictures of the coloring process can be seen here:


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